Lula Dean’s Little Library of Banned Books by Kirsten Miller EPUB & PDF

Lula Dean’s Little Library of Banned Books by Kirsten Miller EPUB & PDF

Lula Dean’s Little Library of Banned Books by Kirsten Miller EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Kirsten Miller
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.4 MB
  • Price: Free

Food of the Gods
Ronnie Childers was tripping his balls off in Jackson Square when an
angel of the Lord appeared before him. She was a glorious vision, dressed
in black gym leggings and a Bikini Kill T-shirt, her golden hair twisted into
a messy knot on the top of her head. She looked a lot like a girl he used to
get stoned with back in high school.

The angel hovered over his park bench, the streetlight casting a halo
behind her head. “What the hell are you doing, Ronnie?” she asked.
“Am I that fucked up or is it really you?”
The angel snorted. “Both,” she told him.

Tears of pure joy sprang to Ronnie’s eyes. “Hallelujah,” he said. The
Lord sure did work in mysterious ways.
“You’ve been out in the cow pasture again, haven’t you?”
Ronnie giggled. “You got me.” He opened his hand and presented a little
brown mushroom as an offering.

The angel plucked the mushroom out of his palm and slipped it into her
bra for safekeeping. “You realize it’s two o’clock in the morning?”
“Then the night is young.” Ronnie patted a spot on the bench. When the
angel didn’t plop down beside him, he swept an arm across the square. “I
ain’t making a move. I’m just asking you to take a moment to appreciate all
this fucking beauty.”

Sometimes Ronnie wondered how he’d never noticed it before. He’d
spent half his life in Troy’s town square, under the branches of its giant oaks
and magnolias. As his mama cleaned the floors at the DMV, he’d whiled
away the hours turning the fountain’s water bloodred with Rit dye or
vandalizing the Confederate general’s statue with beautifully drawn penises.
Those days were long gone, but the square was still Ronnie’s favorite spot.

He’d discovered its true beauty on nights like this—when the world was
quiet and peaceful and no one was arguing about book bans and butt plugs
and all the other bullshit that got the people of Troy riled up these days.
“You know, this could be a pretty nice place.” Ronnie sighed.

The angel, staring out across the darkness, seemed to see the same thing.
“Yeah,” she agreed. “Hey, if you’re free right now I could use a hand. You
think you can walk?”

Ronnie looked down at his ripped jeans and work boots. His right leg
kicked out when he willed it to move. “Looks as if. Where we heading?”
For the first time he noticed the giant suitcase she’d been wheeling behind

“To cause some trouble,” the angel told him.
“Fuck yeah.” Ronnie stood up and shook out his lanky limbs. “That’s
rule number one in the Ronnie Childers playbook—never turn your nose up
at trouble.”

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