Lucky Score (THE HAWKEYES HOCKEY #6) by Kenna King EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Kenna King
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
Perched on a ladder beside my beach house in Mexico, I press a thick
plywood sheet against a window with my forearm. While gripping an electric
drill in my other hand to secure the sheet into place, I hear my phone ring in
my front pocket.
I utter a few curse words as I pull the nail from the magnetic drill tip and
place it between my teeth. I hook the electric drill into the holster of my tool
belt while keeping my forearm against the plywood. This conversation better
be important.
I fish out my cell phone from my cargo pants to see the name on my phone.
Reeve Aisa calling…
He’s probably calling to check in. I have two more weeks left of my
summer vacation before I board a plane and head back to Seattle for the start
of the new Hawkeyes season.
There aren’t many people I would take a call from in general, let alone
while I’m suspended against a building, but my teammates and coaching staff
make the shortlist.
I pull the nail from my teeth and then drop it into the pocket of my tool
“Aisa,” I say with my phone pressed to my ear.
“Wrenley… What’s up, man? How are the fish biting today?” he asks,
knowing that I spend my entire off-season at my house in Mexico.
He was already here for a week at the beginning of the summer.
My vision glides over the many windows still to be boarded up as a
precaution for the offshore hurricane that’s headed our way.
The weather channel predicts that the storm’s trajectory will hit mostly out
at sea and off the coastline, but I’ve lived here every summer for the last
fifteen years, and I know well enough that a hurricane answers to no
Hurricane “Josie”… or as I like to call her after my ex-fiancé, Josslin, will
do whatever she damn well pleases, no matter whose family home is in her
wake. Much like the woman I have renamed the incoming cyclone after.
“No bites today. I’m boarding up my windows and my neighbors this
afternoon and gassing up both backup generators. We’ve got a storm coming
He’s right to assume. I’d be out on my boat if there weren’t a hurricane
practically knocking on my front door. Even though half the time, I don’t
even fish.
In my case, fishing is more of an excuse to take my boat out of the marina
with a cooler full of beer and no timeline to head back to shore. I mostly sit
on the boat, enjoying the peace and quiet and the sun radiating against my
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