Lucky Hit by Hannah Cowan EPUB & PDF

Lucky Hit (SWIFT HAT-TRICK TRILOGY #1) by Hannah Cowan EPUB & PDF

Lucky Hit (SWIFT HAT-TRICK TRILOGY #1) by Hannah Cowan EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Hannah Cowan
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

As my team skates off the ice for the final time this season, I choose to
stay behind to do one last lap around. For most of my teammates, this is just
the end of another winning year. But this is the last time I will ever skate in
this arena, as not only a player but also the Captain of my hometown team,
the Penticton Storm. I’m allowed to feel a little nostalgic. This arena has
been my second home for the past three years, after all.

The bitter cold nips at my skin through my thick jersey as I stare at
the empty stadium. Endless rows of uncomfortable brown seats look back at
me as my eyes try to memorize every last inch of space. This place helped
me rediscover my passion for hockey. It’s where I watched my mom and
sister scream at the top of their lungs while waving around their cheesy
signs at every game. It’s where I met so many special people and created
insane, long-lasting memories that will stay with me forever. It’s the place
that showed me that I could be a leader—a real force to be reckoned with.

Lines of fluffy white snow trail behind me as I skate around the rink
—the only sound to be heard comes from the ripping of the ice under my
skates and my short, ragged breaths as I push myself around the boards. It’s
peaceful. It’s rarely this silent. Quite a contrast to the screaming crowds
during a game or our coach’s angry screams after a heart-wrenching loss.

I reluctantly step off the ice after a few more minutes and walk
down the long hallway leading to our muggy, sweat-ridden locker room. I
pull the door open, nearly smacking into Andre, my best friend.
He turns and slaps me on the back as we walk over to our cubbies.

“So, that was it, eh? Our last practise together?”
“I guess.” My shoulder’s drop when I see the hurt flash across his
auburn coloured eyes. “You won’t miss me that much; you boys can carry
your own,” I add hastily to lift our spirits.
He raises his eyebrows and laughs, “Has anyone ever told you
you’re way too humble?”

“Last time I checked, you preferred it when I’m humble. Something
about it letting you have a chance with the ladies?” I tease, sitting down on
the bench in front of my cubby.

His eyes widen for less than a second before he covers his shock
with his trademark cocky smirk. “I just tell you that to make you feel good,
buddy.” Sitting down beside me, he unlaces his skates. “But, I will admit
that I’m slightly worried I’ll lose my touch without my number one

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