Lovers’ Dance by K Carr EPUB & PDF

Lovers’ Dance by K Carr EPUB & PDF

Lovers’ Dance by K Carr EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: K Carr
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.8 MB
  • Price: Free

“GET OFF,” I yelled, hands flailing wildly as I fought my attackers off. I
could smell them. Their sweat, the stink of their cheap body spray, the
pungent odour of burgers and beer on their breath. I kicked out, glad my
heel connected with flesh, glad I had hurt some part of the man trying to
grab me around the waist.

The blow across the back of my head from the
other one dazed me for a moment. Long enough for him to capture one of
my wrists. This was not happening. I would not let this happen. With a
desperation borne of pure terror and rage, I screamed at the top of my voice.
Someone had to hear me. Oh God, please.

“Shut up,” the bigger one said gruffly, punching me hard in the
stomach. The force of it pushed the air out of me in one loud ‘oomph’. I
began to fight back. Kicking, punching, biting like an animal backed into a
corner. Their grunts of pain almost as loud as mine. The bigger one slapped
me across the face, making my cheek burn and eyes water. And again, and
again. Forefront in my mind was the thought I would rather die than be
assaulted in a dark alleyway. With renewed efforts I tried to escape, but they
were bigger and stronger. It wasn’t fair. Why was this happening to me?
Matt was tired from his workout. It had been a long day at the office and
he’d wanted nothing more than to go home and relax with a glass of
whiskey and go over reports. But he was a creature of routine and
Wednesdays were spent in the gym that he and his closest friend paid a
pricey monthly fee to attend. He had a gym at his place, used it often, but
Wednesdays were a different sort of workout. He’d parked a few blocks
away from the gym. It had been the only parking space he could find in the
area. Matt adjusted his gym bag over his shoulder and quickened his pace.
It was late and the surrounding area was not the best. He wasn’t afraid, his
towering six feet plus frame would put anyone off, but he was cautious.
Bullets didn’t care how big you were.

The scream came from nowhere, startling Matt to a stop as he glanced
around. He could hear loud scuffling, another scream cut off sharply. Matt
headed in the direction of where he thought the sounds were coming from.
It was a woman he’d heard. Matt broke into a run, the alleyway looming
ahead and the noises getting louder the closer he came. His bag slipped
from his shoulder to the ground when he rounded the corner, as the sight of
two men trying their best to subdue a small form registered.
“Hey,” he yelled, racing towards them. “What the hell are you sods

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