Love Under the Stars (THE LILAC LAKE INN #3) by Judith Keim EPUB & PDF

Love Under the Stars (THE LILAC LAKE INN #3) by Judith Keim EPUB & PDF

Love Under the Stars (THE LILAC LAKE INN #3) by Judith Keim EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Judith Keim
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

On a bright August day, Whitney Gilford sat on the sunning rock she and
her two sisters had used since they were kids spending time at Lilac Lake in
the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. It was the best place she knew to
gather her thoughts.

Too upset to sit still, she jumped to her feet, picked up a nearby stone,
and threw it as hard as she could into the water, observing the spray of
water it created with little satisfaction.

“Dammit, Zane! Why wouldn’t you let me help you? Or help yourself?
You could’ve had such a wonderful life.” Her voice carried across the lake
in angry waves, scaring several birds from their perches in trees sprinkled
along the coastline.

Breathing hard, Whitney unclenched her fists and sank back onto the
rock, letting tears of frustration and sorrow escape onto her cheeks. Then,
angry again, she swiped them off. It was time to get to work, time to try to
clean up his mess and make things right.

She knew on an intellectual level she wasn’t to blame for Zane’s death,
but she’d gone into an emotional tailspin after hearing it. And then, when
she found out he’d left her his house, his money, and everything he owned,
she’d filled with remorse for not succeeding in getting him into rehab. Now,
she was dealing with anger at his decision to end his life like that.

Almost a month ago, she’d received the shattering call telling her Zane
Blanchard, her co-star on the television series, The Hopefuls, had died of a
drug overdose. She and Zane had fallen in love soon after the series began
four years ago, but it hadn’t lasted long. Even when drugs changed the nice
guy Whitney loved into someone she detested, they’d tried for the sake of
the series to pretend they were still together. But after repeated failures to
get Zane into a rehabilitation center and the cruel changes in his behavior
toward her, Whitney ended the relationship.

At one time, back when she and Zane were dating, they’d discussed
different ways they could use some of their earnings for charity. Whitney
knew exactly what to do with the inheritance Zane had given her. She’d set
up a foundation to help children with mental health issues. Heaven knew,
there were plenty of kids of all ages needing that kind of assistance.

She gazed out over the lake and listened to the water gently lapping at
the edges of the rock, smothering it with soft kisses. She watched as ducks
glided in the water nearby, and smelled the aroma of the evergreen trees that
dotted the shoreline helping to soothe her soul.

Here at Lilac Lake, Whitney often relaxed on the patio of her rental
house at night, sitting under the stars, staring at their glittering beauty,
finding solace in the continuity of life.

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