Love to the Rescue (LOOKING FOR LOVE #2) by Natalie Ann EPUB & PDF

Love to the Rescue (LOOKING FOR LOVE #2) by Natalie Ann EPUB & PDF

Love to the Rescue (LOOKING FOR LOVE #2) by Natalie Ann EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Natalie Ann
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Eight Months Later
Lilian wasn’t thinking anything about that conversation with her sister,
Quinn, eight months later as she got ready for work in her little fourhundred-square-foot studio apartment that she could barely afford. Living
on yogurt and ramen noodles helped. So did walking the six blocks to work
each day saving her any transportation costs. Come winter though, she
wasn’t so sure that was going to be an option on the really cold days.
She’d deal with it then. The three months she’d lived here had been
somewhat wonderful.

Not the job part that turned out to be too good to be true.
Yep, she was putting her communication degree to work. Little did she
know being an Assistant Communications Manager actually meant being
an assistant to the Communications Manager. Who was still notches under
the Communications Director and the VP of Communications. There were
others in between, but she’d lost track at this point.

So the truth was she spent most of her time running errands, taking
notes, assisting in writing policies and procedures for the insurance firm she
worked for and getting all the grunt work handed over.
In her mind, it was nothing more than what an intern would do.
But the salary drew her in and she found it just cost so much more to
live here that of course the salary would be higher.
She was considering a second job on the weekends because during the
week was out of the question with her having to work late all the time with
no notice.

Lilian finished with her makeup in the small bathroom, packed up her
supplies in the little cosmetic bag and put it under the sink. There was no
room to leave anything on the counter more than her toothbrush.
She walked over behind the wardrobe unit that held her clothing, shoes,
towels, pantry items and even spare sheets and blankets. That was the only
thing separating her bed from the couch and the TV she had on the wall.
She found the shoes she wanted to wear in the bin where they were all
neatly stored. It was the only way everything fit.

Her bed was made, the doors were shut on the unit and she moved to the
living room to check everything was picked up there. The last thing she
wanted to do was come home to clutter.

She packed her lunch in the little galley kitchen, then grabbed her laptop
and purse and walked out the door. No elevator in her building, so she went
down the two flights of stairs.

Ten minutes later, she was turning the corner in downtown Manhattan
toward the high-rise building she worked in, and pulling the fake diamond
out of her purse and slipping it on her finger. There was a little coffee shop
she had to stop at today like she did every Monday and get her boss and
staff members their coffee. They allowed her to get one for herself too. Yay
her. It was her splurge of the week.

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