Love, Naturally by Sophie Sullivan EPUB & PDF

Love, Naturally by Sophie Sullivan EPUB & PDF

Love, Naturally by Sophie Sullivan EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Sophie Sullivan
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Romantic Comedy 
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Relationship were a back-and-forth, a seesaw of give-and-take, a moneyup-front, rewards-at-the-end sort of venture. Presley Ayers repeated this in
her brain as her boss bemoaned her upcoming week off, going so far as to
hint that maybe she didn’t want to move up from associate concierge at La
Chambre Hotel. She did. She very much did. She wanted to move up and
move on. One day. For now, she just wanted Ms. Twain, no relation to
Mark, to stop making herself out to be a martyr for switching around some

I’ve been planning this for months and asked for the time off. Not my
problem you forgot, lady.
“I’m assuming it won’t be a problem when I want you to work extra
shifts to make up for this when you return,” Ms. Twain said, staring down
her nose through her thin wire-framed glasses.

She had willingly jumped through every other hoop, but now Presley
simply smiled. “You know I’m always willing to take extra shifts, Ms.
Twain. I thought I’d given you enough notice when I booked my holiday in
April. I apologize.” She crossed the index and middle fingers on her right
hand in her pocket. She wasn’t sorry. She just didn’t want to be fired. Biting
her lip kept her from saying any of the words floating around in her brain.
This woman was a primary source of Presley’s sleepless nights.

Emmett, her boyfriend of almost eight months, had once mansplained that
this was how the game was played. If she wanted to be a success, she
needed to show it, not just say it. If she didn’t, someone else would want it
more. She didn’t know how anyone could think she wasn’t ambitious, since
she’d spent most of her waking hours, and many when she should have
been sleeping, at this hotel for the past three years.

“Are you headed out of town? Are you completely unavailable?” Ms.
Twain made a note on her calendar, then looked up at Presley from behind
the desk where she sat.

“Yes, ma’am. I’m taking my boyfriend to a fishing lodge as a surprise
birthday present.” Give and take. Things hadn’t been great lately with both
of them working so much and their schedules not matching up. The little
time they did spend together was generally with Emmett’s work friends.
But this gift would show him she listened, paid attention to the little things.
It would be the nudge he needed to take them more seriously. Maybe even
consider moving in. That was the endgame. At thirty-one, she’d thought
she’d have her professional and personal life cemented by now. Or at least
one of them.

Ms. Twain wrinkled her nose, her thinning gray brows pushing together.

“Do you fish?”
Not even in the supermarket. “No. But he does.” And it will show him I
can get behind his hobbies and interests.
The woman regarded her for several moments, making the back of
Presley’s neck sweat. “There’s a seminar in a couple of weeks, the
beginning of July, for senior hotel staff. Typically, we recommend one to
two assistant staff associates to take part.”

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