Love By Design by Minta Hannon EPUB & PDF

Love By Design by Minta Hannon EPUB & PDF

Love By Design by Minta Hannon EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Minta Hannon
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Today’s meeting is the epitome of this could have been an email.
Every few seconds, a small portrait pulses in our Teams call, indicating
another one of my colleagues has chimed in to the conversation. I pinch the
bridge of my nose and allow an exasperated sigh to escape me. I’m not
usually this annoyed about departmental meetings; in fact, I often enjoy
However, today my patience is wearing thin. To be blunt, I’m in no

The past few weeks—what feels like months—have consisted of my
company, Wilder Creative Solutions, shaking up our departmental structure
to accommodate the needs of a new system. Now, this system allegedly will
make my job as a web designer more streamlined. That is yet to be seen
and, if I’m being honest with myself, it makes me worry about my job

The use of technology in my line of work is inherent, but this system
strips me of my creative liberties.
That’s how I see it, anyway.

As a web designer, I get to plan every single part of a website from
scratch. From creating mood boards to mocking up designs, everything is
planned and perfected by me. Then it’s passed along to our web developers
to bring it to life. They’re the master coders—the wizards who use CSS and
HTML to make the things do the stuff. It’s amazing.

This new system forces us to use templates. Boring, pre-existing,
preconstructed, limiting templates. In theory, this sounds great. I mean sure,
I guess it could be more cost-effective and efficient to populate a template
to get a website up and running quickly.

I’d rather design an experience compared to a boring old website.
“Lucienne? If you’re attempting to speak, you’re on mute,” says

Snapping to attention, I nearly knock my coffee to the floor in a hurry to
unmute myself. “Hi, I’m here. I’m sorry—I missed that last part.”
“That’s alright. I asked if we’ll be seeing you tomorrow. It’s our on-site
workday,” she says.

“Oh—of course! I’ll be there bright-eyed and bushy-tailed,” I singsong
through gritted teeth.
With our departmental restructuring, we are now required to work onsite once per week. In my book, that’s a good enough reason to be slightly
prickly. The office isn’t far; it’s not the commute that makes me a bit

Working from my cozy one-bedroom apartment is nothing short of
perfect. And I’ve worked remotely since I started working right after
college. Being in an office is an overwhelming thought. But I guess there’s
a first time for everything. That’s what I keep telling myself.

I bite my lip, leaning back in my rickety dining chair. The small
portraits continue to pulse in and out, creating a satisfying visualizer that
tickles my brain something fierce. The popcorn ceiling is painted with tan
stains, and I spot a cobweb forming in the corner of the living room.

My unit in downtown Burlington, Vermont hasn’t been renovated since
the late 1990s, but I kind of like the charm. It’s in an old Victorian home; all
the original woodwork has been preserved.

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