Lord of Vice by Piper Stone EPUB & PDF

Lord of Vice (LORDS OF CORRUPTION #5) by Piper Stone EPUB & PDF

Lord of Vice (LORDS OF CORRUPTION #5) by Piper Stone EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Piper Stone
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.9 MB
  • Price: Free

“He painted over her scars with every color he could find until she
lost them in the setting sun.”
Six months later
In a city where everywhere there were gorgeous twenty-somethings that had
been nipped, tucked, plucked, and polished within an inch of their lives, I
was the odd woman out.

A cluckety-cluck bird only with a shapelier figure. Yes, I was a dancer like
the rest of the girls I’d passed in the hallway, but I’d never been one of
those cracker-eating ballerinas that barely ate five hundred calories a day.
That’s why as I was standing in the large office, two men dressed to the
nines in suits gawking at me, I felt more awkward than I had in my entire
“Pretty Penny. I wonder what you’re thinking,” the older of the two
assholes snorted.

If I had a single additional person say to me ‘a penny for your thoughts’ for
the rest of my life, I was likely to go ballistic. No, I knew it for certain. As I
stood in front of the two assholes who owned the club, I had a feeling the
one leering at me the most was about to pop the question. Or maybe he
believed now that the two of them had me in their crosshairs he could
demand something more… personal of me.

That made my skin crawl.
“It was five minutes,” I insisted. Maybe at this point since I’d been given
two prior warnings for being late, I should grovel at their feet, but I couldn’t
do that. For all the things that had been stripped from me over the years, I
refused to allow my self-esteem or my humility to be taken away. My
mama hadn’t raised me that way.

“Five minutes too late, girlie. You were told what would happen if you
chose to be late again,” the main guy who was sitting on his fat ass puffing
on a cigar huffed, a gleam in his eye. His voice sounded like the thousands
of drinks and tobacco products he’d indulged in over the years had taken a
toll. Of course, he’d also obviously had his nose smashed more than once.
Sylvester was the biggest prick I’d ever met, his greasy hair matching his
oily stench that always created knots in my stomach.

“What a shame,” Rocco Morelli stated with a gleam in his eye. “And we
were going to place you on the auction block tonight.”
“Maybe we still should.” Sylvester was seriously thinking it over. “A price
needs to be paid.”

The big, fat pig was serious.
The auction block. Sex trading for big dollars was huge in Vegas. So far, I’d
been able to avoid being lured or forced. Maybe now was the right time to
stop working here after all. The gossip around the club was that a few girls
had disappeared, never to be seen or heard from again. I could find a job
working at Burger King or maybe a supermarket.

“My car wouldn’t start. Not that either one of you care about the crap I go
through.” Because it was a piece of shit. Oh, hold on. Now I was whining?

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