Looking for a Sign by Susie Dumond EPUB & PDF

Looking for a Sign by Susie Dumond EPUB & PDF

Looking for a Sign by Susie Dumond EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Susie Dumond
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 8.7 MB
  • Price: Free

The moment gray stepped out of her car into the gravelly mud pile that
was supposedly her destination, she considered getting right back in,
driving another hour back north to New Orleans, and forgetting this whole
endeavor. She could probably gain just as much insight and comfort from
the bottom of a pint of Ben & Jerry’s as from this ridiculous plan. She was
sure she’d put the right address into her GPS, but now, surrounded only by
trees and mosquitoes, this didn’t feel right.

Not that she really knew what
“right” felt like anymore after the past month. But then she remembered her
best friend Cherry’s words that convinced her to give it a try: If you really
want to find your soulmate, if you really want your new life to begin, then
you need wisdom beyond what traditional measures can provide. She did
want to find her soulmate. She did want to live her perfect life and create
the family of her dreams. So shouldn’t she be willing to try something
different, even if it was uncomfortable?

Determined, Gray pulled her boots from the muck with a loud squelch
and navigated around a gnarled old oak tree, looking for something,
anything, that could point her in the right direction. A row of citrus trees to
her left wasn’t much help, nor the Spanish moss shifting in the wind
overhead. The echo of what sounded like women’s chatter drew Gray’s
attention to her right.

As she trudged through the swampy ground toward
the noise, she discovered a weathered barn and small house with peeling
yellow paint. The source of the noise soon revealed itself to be not a group
of gossiping ladies but the residents of a wooden chicken coop. One of the
birds marched straight up to Gray, made a curious clucking sound, and
began pecking at her feet.

“Excuse me!” Gray stepped back from the speckled brown hen. “These
boots are new!” And not so much meant for actual outdoor adventuring as a
fashionable suggestion that Gray might be into such things. She had a
tough, devil-may-care lesbian aesthetic to uphold, after all, although she
hadn’t expected to find herself navigating actual mud and chicken poop
when she put them on.

“Petunia, get over here, you rascal.” An older woman with a wild poof
of blondish-white hair appeared around the corner of the coop, a smaller
white hen tucked under her arm. “Ignore her. She thinks she’s a guard dog,”
she said to Gray.

The chicken made a rumbling noise that did sound almost like a dog’s
growl, puffing up her feathers at Gray as if to make a point.
Gray took a step back from Petunia, still eyeing the chicken nervously.
“Sorry to interrupt. I think I’m lost. Do you know if there’s a Madame
Nouvelle Lune nearby?”

The woman wiped a hand against her worn denim overalls. “You found
her. Please, call me Dori.”
Gray’s head tilted to the side. “You’re Madame…”
“In the flesh! You’re Gray, yeah? Let me get the ladies tucked in for the
night and I’ll be right with you.”

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