Like Father Like Slaughter (FINAL GIRLS FEATURETTES) by Tylor Paige EPUB & PDF

Like Father Like Slaughter (FINAL GIRLS FEATURETTES) by Tylor Paige EPUB & PDF

Like Father Like Slaughter (FINAL GIRLS FEATURETTES) by Tylor Paige EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Tylor Paige
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.9 MB
  • Price: Free

Rule One – Eleanor
Celebrate when you can.
“Happy birthday, Eleanor,” I said with a bright smile, straightening my
posture as I looked at myself in the mirror. “Why, thank you, Milton.
I’m glad you came to my party. Is that a present you have there?” I pinched
my cheeks to give them some color and glanced down at the counter,
picking up the lipstick I had saved from my last exploration above. Should I
wear it to my party?

I was officially a Young Lady, according to the rules here below. That
was my title now that I was an adult. While there were still many things I
wasn’t allowed to do, I was given permission to wear makeup now. I
applied the bright red shade to my lips and grinned. Milton was going to
just die when he saw me. I hurried to put on my dress and get going.
Glancing at the clock on my bedside table, I realized that the party would
start soon, which meant I could make a perfect entrance. I hoped Milton
would be waiting for me there with all of our friends.

My heart raced as if I’d just seen a creepie all the way from the Young
Ladies’ floor to the recreation floor, four stories down. I rode the elevator in
silence, even though I wasn’t alone. I was never alone.

“Happy birthday, Eleanor.”
I looked up at my protector, my guard, my D.A.D.D.Y.
“Thank you, Daddy,” I said softly and looked back down at the floor.
Daddy was strict and hadn’t been enthused when I told him my friends were
throwing me a party to celebrate my eighteenth birthday. This was a huge
thing for us. I was an adult, but he didn’t agree. To him, it was just another

“I have a gift for you.”
“You do?” I blinked in surprise. My Daddy had only once given me a
gift, and it certainly wasn’t for a birthday.
“Do you remember when I was assigned to you, ten years ago today,
Eleanor?” I nodded, and he continued, “Well, I wanted to celebrate that. It’s
been a very interesting ten years, wouldn’t you say?” He chuckled. Daddy
often joked that I had turned his hair gray from the stress of taking me to
the world above so often. I was one of the best at finding things, which
meant I got to go frequently. But it came at a cost. I had much less free time
than my friends.

“Interesting is one word to describe it. Though it hasn’t been fun.” I
pouted as we left the elevator and started down the cold, metal hallway
toward the recreation hall.

“Did you expect things to be fun? We have a responsibility to mankind.
We don’t have time for fun,” Daddy recited the speech he’d given me many
times over, and I waved his words away.

“Not today, Daddy. Please, just let me have this one night. Let that be
your present to me. One night without you watching over me.”
His expression darkened. His forehead creased and his eyes turned
serious. “That’s my job.”

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