Liar, Liar, Head on Fire by Vera Strange EPUB & PDF

Liar, Liar, Head on Fire by Vera Strange EPUB & PDF

Liar, Liar, Head on Fire by Vera Strange EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Vera Strange
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Children’s Scary Stories
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free


As soon as Hector woke up, he almost wished he hadn’t.
The alarm blared, jerking him from sleep and the dream he’d
been having about running. His legs felt tired, even though he’d
slept soundly the whole night. Running seemed to be the only thing he did
lately, even while snoozing.
He groaned and flopped over in his twin bed, feeling the softness of the
worn flannel sheets and burying his head in the pillow to block out the
alarm. When that didn’t work, he flailed around until he hit the SNOOZE
button. His legs felt sore from training yesterday. He blinked in the dim
morning light.

It wasn’t that he had to go get dressed and head to school like most
twelve-year-olds—he didn’t.
In fact, he didn’t have to go anywhere.
Hector was homeschooled, along with his three older brothers, and could
take all his classes in his pajamas at the kitchen table. He was the baby of
the family, and his brothers made sure to remind him of that fact on a daily
basis. He didn’t even have to brush his hair—technically speaking—
although if he left it alone his father would tease him for being lazy.
His dark locks were curly and thick and grew in every direction as if
they had a mind of their own, reminding him of Medusa’s snake hair. He’d
learned about Medusa in their lesson on Greek mythology and found her

Sadly, his hair didn’t endow him with any stone-stare death powers.
Major bummer, he thought. Too bad he wasn’t a Greek god or demigod.
Or whatever they were called.
His dad’s voice shot through his head, wise and stern and amused all at
once. Son, you always need to put your best foot forward. That is…if you
don’t wanna fall flat on your face, he’d add with a chuckle.
He loved laughing at his own corny Dad Jokes, as he liked to call them.
Hector wasn’t sure how combing his hair had anything to do with his
feet, but parents could be super weird like that.

He rubbed his eyes, forcing them open. His room was the smallest room
in the house since he was the youngest Gomez brother, but it was bright and
cozy. He had a beat-up wooden desk, an equally beat-up dresser, and a twinsize bed. As he yawned and stretched, he caught sight of his reflection in the
mirror on the door. As predicted, his hair shot out wildly every which way.
His brothers’ voices echoed through his head.

Wonderboy, did yah stick your fingers in an electric socket?
Uh dork-face, your hair sticking up like that doesn’t actually make you
taller…. You’re still just an annoying little loser.
But the truth was, Hector actually didn’t mind. He knew they loved him,
despite the squabbling and teasing. Affectionately known as the Gomez Four
around town, they could get pretty rowdy around the kitchen table until Dad
finally lost his patience and yelled at them to shut it…or else.
Usually, the or else never actually materialized.

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