Let the Games Begin by Rufaro Faith Mazarura EPUB & PDF

Let the Games Begin by Rufaro Faith Mazarura EPUB & PDF

Let the Games Begin by Rufaro Faith Mazarura EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Rufaro Faith Mazarura
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.7 MB
  • Price: Free

Ezekiel Moyo had never looked more handsome than he did on the front
cover of the August edition of GQ. It was their annual sports issue and since
Ezekiel (or Zeke as everyone called him) was Great Britain’s surest hope
for a gold medal at this summer’s Olympics, it was only right for him to be
the face of the magazine.

Zeke had spent the whole photo shoot charming everyone on set. He’d
chatted to the hairstylist about his Saturday job at a salon and complimented
the caterer on how good the food she’d cooked was. “Auntie,” he’d begun
—because he’d been raised to call every older Black woman Auntie—“this
is the best oxtail stew I’ve ever had, and my mum makes an incredible
oxtail stew.” She’d chuckled and given him another portion. Zeke’s
precompetition diet hadn’t allowed him to eat it, but if there was one thing
he’d been taught growing up it was that if an auntie gave him a lunch box,
he had to take it home.

Zeke had gone back and forth with the security guards about that
weekend’s football match before spotting a group of assistants shyly trying
to catch glimpses of him from the other side of the room. He’d known they
were too professional to ask for a photo, even though they’d so clearly
wanted to. So, at the end of the shoot, he’d walked over to them with his
outrageously charming smile and said, “This is my first big photo shoot and
I’m trying to find a way to remember it all—can I get a picture with you
guys?” Their faces had lit up in delight.

The security guards went on to tell everyone they met that he was “the
most down-to-earth lad that had ever walked onto the set of a GQ photo
shoot.” And one of the production assistants posted the photos they’d taken
with the caption: “This is now an Ezekiel Moyo stan account.”

“And are you looking forward to seeing anyone in particular at this
year’s Games?” the journalist conducting the cover shoot interview had
asked him with a slightly raised eyebrow. Zeke had smiled; he’d known
exactly where the journalist was trying to go. But he’d had no intention of
“I think I’m just really excited to cheer on all my friends in Team GB,”
he’d said.

“And outside of Team GB, is there anyone else you’re looking forward
to seeing?” the journalist had said, leaning forward, as if getting closer to
Zeke would make him more likely to open up. If anything, it had made him
more determined to stay closed off. “Someone from … the other side of the
pond perhaps?” he’d added. Zeke had tilted his head to the side as if he had
no idea what the journalist was alluding to.

He’d been trying to ask Zeke the same question in different ways all
day. But Zeke could spot a trap from a mile away.

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