Let Me Claim You by Marina Simcoe EPUB & PDF

Let Me Claim You (SEVEN HORNY SINS #1) by Marina Simcoe EPUB & PDF

Let Me Claim You (SEVEN HORNY SINS #1) by Marina Simcoe EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Marina Simcoe
  • Language: English
  • Genre: fantasy romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Pushing on the bag to compress the garbage inside it, I tied the ends,
then heaved it out of the bin. It had been another busy day at the
restaurant. If things continued moving this way, I might be able to
move this place into the black this year.
Of course, with more customers, the amount of work increased too. It
was nearly midnight already, but Claire and I had just finished cleaning the

“You can go home,” I said, dragging the bag to the back door. “I’ll
finish here and lock up.”
“Are you sure?” Claire grabbed her purse from the counter but lingered,
not rushing for the door as she usually would. As a single mother of a
teenager, she always seemed to be in a hurry.

“There isn’t much left to do,” I assured her. “Just to take out the trash.”
Taking the garbage out to the dumpster behind the restaurant was not in
the job description of the Head Chef, or the General Manager, or a few
other positions I held as the owner of this place. Sam was supposed to do it,
but his shift ended hours ago.

I really needed to hire more people. It’d be nice to have this place open
for lunch and dinner seven days a week, including Mondays. But good
employees weren’t easy to find, and I had no time to look for them.
Meanwhile, I ended up picking up the slack, not just cooking and running
the kitchen, but also doing everything else that needed to be done.
Claire shifted her weight to her other foot, still not leaving. “Maddy,
sweetie, can I borrow a hundred or two until payday?” She put her palms
together in a pleading gesture and sang, “Pleeease.”
I set the bag on the floor by the back door and shoved my long, dark
hair out of my face. My high bun had all but exploded during the vigorous

“I’ll give it back when I get paid,” Claire promised. “You know I’m
good for it.”
She was. Mostly. Sometimes it’d take Claire far longer than “until the
next paycheck” to repay it. Often, she simply forgot, and I never reminded
her. Claire was a good friend and a loyal employee. The last thing I wanted
was for money to stand between us.

“Sure. How much do you need?”
“One…um, no.” She winced. “Make it two hundred. Josh needs new
shoes. Again.” She rolled her eyes. “I swear this kid grows too fast for me
to keep up. And you know how teenagers are, he wouldn’t wear just any
shoes out there.” She sighed. “I can’t get away with buying secondhand for
him anymore.”

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