Lessons in Sin by Tessa Winters EPUB & PDF

Lessons in Sin (PROFESSORS OF LOVE #1) by Tessa Winters EPUB & PDF

Lessons in Sin (PROFESSORS OF LOVE #1) by Tessa Winters EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Tessa Winters
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

It felt as though I were swimming through the crowd of dancers in The
Vixen, the air a thick blanket of alcohol and sweat. It isn’t exactly a seedy
club, but let’s just say it’s one of the only clubs in LA that I can get into
without a fake ID and since I lost mine a week ago – when freshers week
was in full swing – The Vixen has been my saving grace.

I maneuver myself around a drunk couple, their bodies moving against
one another, gyrating their hips in a seductive, drunken haze, and head to
the bar in search of another drink.

It’s eleven pm which means the club is at capacity now even though it
won’t close for another three hours. This also means that the five bartenders
currently working are stretched thinly trying their best to juggle the eager
drunks shouting for their drinks.

Luckily, I have a talent for getting what I want.
Flicking my curtain of ginger hair over my shoulder, I send a flirty smile
to the bartender – my go-to method of getting their attention. He smirks
back, the grin wolfish and arrogant, and saunters over to me, ignoring the
countless other customers shouting out orders.

‘Hey there baby, what can I get you?’
Ignoring the shiver of revolution that wants to crawl down my spine, I
lean forward, making sure he gets a full glimpse of my cleavage. ‘Vodka
coke please.’
He sends me a nod and another smirk and gets to work. I roll my eyes –
It works every time.

Waiting for my drink, I hear someone call my name. ‘Scarlett!’
Turning, I see Katie – a girl I met at LAU’s dance club introductory meet
– who also happens to be my missing dormmate (I haven’t seen her since
moving in) – wading through the crowd, her small frame crowned by a large
wall of muscle.

She comes to a stop in front of me, her eyes are glossed over by drink
and a giggle escapes her lips. ‘Hi.’
I grin back, amused at her drunken antics. ‘Hi.’
I feel a tap on my shoulder – the bartender with my drink. I take it from
him almost spilling it as Katie grabs my arm. ‘Jesus Katie be careful!’
She giggles some more and then leans up to shout in my ear. ‘Soooooo,
Doug,’ She nods behind her to the wall of muscle, ‘Wants me to come chill
at his. Are you okay if I head?’

Doug nods his head at me before taking a swig of his beer. He’s hot but
in a meat-head kind of way with his tousled black hair messed up in that I
just fucked a girl kind of way, his tree-trunk arms on full display.

I haven’t known Katie long but already I have the sense that she isn’t a
girl’s girl, and this just confirms it. I’d never leave Ruby – my best friend of
God knows how many years – in a club by herself to go to some guy’s

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