Lesbian CEO by Kitty Jones EPUB & PDF

Lesbian CEO (SAPPHIC SWEETHEARTS #4) by Kitty Jones EPUB & PDF

Lesbian CEO (SAPPHIC SWEETHEARTS #4) by Kitty Jones EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Kitty Jones
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Two years later
We have a problem.
I’m staring at my email, wondering if I’m reading this correctly,
when Hillary walks in. She’s tall, curvy, and full of sass. This makes
her an incredible assistant since everyone is scared to cross her. She’s my
right-hand lady and knows everything that’s happening at my company.
More than that, she’s got her thumb on the pulse of Ashbury in general, so
Hillary knows everything that’s happening in town and what that means for
our business.

“Hey. You see the message from Mark?” Hillary pushes her glasses up
the bridge of her nose. Most of the time, she wears contacts, but today she’s
slumming it, as she would say.

“Not yet. I’m reading something else right now.” I look down at my
laptop for a second before turning back to Hillary. She’s got her red hair in
pigtails today, which doesn’t really scream “corporate America,” but I
didn’t hire Hillary because she fits the corporate model of what an assistant
looks like. I hired her because she’s a badass and she’s loyal. She does
anything I need – most of the time before I even anticipate needing it.

“Kind of. Maybe.” I push away from my desk and stand. “Yes.
Something bad.” Shit. I don’t like saying those words out loud. When I’m
dealing with a business issue, I like to use corporate speak as much as
possible. Things are “bad,” they’re “inconvenient.” We don’t have
“problems,” we have “issues that need to be resolved.” There’s a business
way of dealing with issues that come up at the company you own, and
saying “something bad” isn’t the way to command respect from my

Luckily, Hillary is more of a friend than an employee at this point, and
she knows how to read me. More importantly, she knows how to help me
calm down. She’s talked me down from many ledges during our tenure

Now, she crosses her arms over her chest and raises a perfectly plucked

“Okay, then. Spill your guts.”
I don’t want to, but I know that this involves Hillary, so I’m going to
have to get real honest, real fast. While running a business isn’t an easy
endeavor, there are certain things that make it harder than it should be.
Dealing with people from my past is one of those things.

“Do you know who Jessica Mortimer is?” Part of me hopes that Hillary
says she doesn’t know, but I have no such luck today.

“Your ex?” The look on Hillary’s face lets me know that she remembers
exactly who Jessica is. The businesswoman broke my heart when my dad
died and she’s still breaking it today.

No matter how many times I try to
move on, I find that I can’t. Jessica was perfect, and I blew it. I pushed her
away, but she didn’t chase after me. The demise of our relationship was a
terrible twist of fate, and I miss her every damn day.
“Um, yeah. My ex. You know who she is.”

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