Leo by Kate Oliver EPUB & PDF

Leo by Kate Oliver EPUB & PDF

Leo (DADDIES OF THE SHADOWS # 4.5)  by Kate Oliver EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  • Author: Kate Oliver
  • Language: English
  • Formats: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Series: None
  • Price: Free
  • File Size: 1 MB


She’d be lying if she said this Christmas hadn’t been her best ever. Being
surrounded by her daughter and Leo and all his family was what dreams were
made of. It had also made her realize just how much she was missing in her

Leo and the kids were always inviting her to be a part of their family
dinners and festivities. She rarely ever turned them down because quite
frankly, she loved spending time with all of them. It was a way for her to get
to spend time with Kylie and her new fiancé, Ash. It also gave her a chance
to spend time with Leo, and while she knew there would never be anything
between them, it still felt good to be around someone who was as protective
and caring as he was.

The man could take it to a whole other level when it came to being
protective. Sometimes, she even wanted to stick her tongue out at him for
being such a bossy pants, but she knew it was coming from a place of caring.
Even if he did drive her insane at times. Like when he’d given her a taser and
a bottle of mace and then taught her how to use them. He could be such a
worry wart.

Now it was that lull time between Christmas and New Year, and she was
feeling antsy. She was off work until after the first of the year and the
Christmas countdown activities were done. She found herself wandering
aimlessly through her apartment. She’d already rearranged her living room
three times. And she still hated it. Maybe moving things around a fourth time
would make it better.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her phone vibrating on the
kitchen counter. Sending one more glare toward her living room furniture,
she walked over and picked up the phone. A smile tugged at her lips when
she saw Leo’s name on the screen.
“Hey. Just calling to check on you,” he said, his deep voice causing
goosebumps along her skin.
“Oh. Uh, I’m fine. You?”

“Good. Just got back from the gym.”
Nodding her head, Claire stared ahead, unsure of what to say. She knew
all the things she wanted to say. Had even fantasized saying those things, but
she never would. At least not to him.
“Claire?” he asked.
“Yeah. I’m here.”
When she heard him grumbling under his breath, she couldn’t help but

“Are you coming to Sunday dinner?” Leo asked.
Of course. He was calling to make sure she was coming to the weekly
family dinner. Ever since Kylie had gotten together with Ash, Leo and the
rest of the men had always made sure to make her feel a part of the family.
That included the weekly dinner Leo hosted at his house.
“Oh, um, yes, I’ll be there,” she said, gently smacking the palm of her
hand against her forehead.

Sometimes, she felt like such a dork when she talked to him. Like a
schoolgirl with a crush. Unfortunately, as time went on and their friendship
grew, it was getting harder and harder to not truly fall for Leo Javier.
“Good. You sure you’re okay? Do you need anything?”
Yeah, I need you.
“No. I’m good. I’ll see you on Sunday,” she replied as cheerfully as she
could manage.

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