Lee by Kimberly Rae Jordan EPUB & PDF

Lee by Kimberly Rae Jordan EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Kimberly Rae Jordan
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3,9 MB
  • Price: Free

It took a couple of minutes, but finally, Aurora Harlow-Gray managed to
coax the cat from her carrier. The white, long-haired feline primly stepped
out onto the exam table and settled herself on her haunches, wrapping her
tail around her paws, head upright as she took in her new surroundings.
Though her body remained motionless, the tip of her tail twitched.
It was just the two of them in the small space. The woman who’d
showed them to the room had gotten paged for a call, and she’d hurried off,
closing the door behind her.

Left alone and seeing the cat sitting there with no signs of pain or any
other issues, Rori began to have second thoughts about her decision to bring
Queen Charlotte—AKA Queenie—to see the vet.
However, the time to change her mind passed when the door opposite to
where she stood swung open, and a tall, dark-haired man stepped into the
room. He wore a pair of light blue jeans and a dark blue polo shirt with the
clinic’s logo on the left side of his chest. The woman who’d shown them to
the room earlier followed him in.

Moving with noticeably cautious steps, the man approached the exam
table where Queenie waited. He kept his gaze on the cat until he came to a
stop next to the table.
Looking up at Rori, he smiled. His expression was warm and friendly as
he introduced himself. “I’m Dr. Halverson. What seems to be the problem
“Queenie,” Rori volunteered, giving him the name her mom favored for
the cat.

The corner of the man’s lips twitched up. “Queenie?”
“Short for Queen Charlotte.” Rori shrugged as the man grinned. “She’s
my mom’s cat, and my mom’s a big royalty fan. I’m just cat-sitting while
she’s out of town.”
The vet shifted his attention back to Queenie. “So, what’s brought you
and Queen Charlotte here today?”

Rori crossed her arms, trying to order her words into an explanation that
didn’t make her look like a complete idiot. “Something’s wrong with her.”
Dr. Halverson glanced at Rori with raised brows, then looked at the
woman standing next to him. When the vet focused back on Rori, his face
was expressionless. “What have you noticed that’s made you think there’s
something wrong with her?”

“Her purr thingy is broken.”
Well, she didn’t have to worry about ordering her words when they just
disappeared on her. Although, in her defense, Rori wasn’t sure there
actually was a commonly known word for the mechanism that caused cats
to purr.

The doctor scratched his chin, which currently boasted a five o’clock
shadow at nine-thirty in the morning. “I’m not sure what you mean.”
“She’s not purring.”

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