Last Chance Love (ISAIAH RANCH) by Romeo Alexander EPUB & PDF

Last Chance Love (ISAIAH RANCH) by Romeo Alexander EPUB & PDF

Last Chance Love (ISAIAH RANCH) by Romeo Alexander EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Romeo Alexander
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Well, this was an absolute shit show if I ever saw one.
I was hard-pressed not to turn around, glare at the two men following
silently behind me, and ignore the glares they kept shooting at one another.
Maintaining some sense of control was essential, which was hilarious
because if I’d been in control, I wouldn’t be facing the possibility of losing
one of my charges. Now I had to clean up the mess and hope I didn’t drop
the ball…again.

Or maybe I needed to start accepting things could easily go wrong
living on a ranch that housed dozens of felons. Well, they were supposed to
be felons who aspired to change their lives and fix their behavior through
working hard, working with others, and having a sense of camaraderie and
community. That was the entire point of being at Isaiah Ranch. Hell, it was
an opportunity most people didn’t get, so it wasn’t unreasonable to expect
people to behave themselves…or try to anyway.

I should have known there would be a problem, at least with Reno. The
guy really lived up to the stereotype about redheads and their tempers. He’d
been here a handful of weeks, and I’d yet to see anything but hostility and
barely contained anger from him. It was only a matter of time before his
self-control finally unraveled, and he found himself in hot water.

It didn’t get any hotter than sucker-punching one of the newest
members of the ranch. Again, I should have seen it coming, and I definitely
shouldn’t have let Reno participate in the impromptu wrestling tournament.
It was all well and good to let the guys blow off steam in healthy ways
during their free time, but Reno was already infamous for his short fuse. It
had been a recipe for disaster.

So here I was, guiding him and Elliot, a hyperactive goofball who had
tried to fight Reno over the incident, up to the second floor of the Big
House. Most of the time, no one in the program set foot in the main part of
the Big House, the building living up to its name at the center of the ranch.
Most guys only saw the main parts of the Big House when they first arrived
and were introduced to the ranch’s owner, Mr. Isaiah, and his second in
command. That and graduating from the program. Any other time being led
into the Big House was an ominous sign.

It was the second in command I was worried about most. Mona Wilson
was by far the most capable person on the ranch. She was a staunch believer
in the mission to help felons fix their lives and was completely dedicated to
the cause. She was intelligent, organized, and as my grandfather had been
fond of saying, had a mind like a steel trap. She could also be demanding
and uncompromising and had absolutely no fear of nailing someone to the
wall if they screwed up.

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