Landen (MEMBERS FROM MONEY SEASON 2, #127) by Katie Dowe EPUB & PDF

Landen (MEMBERS FROM MONEY SEASON 2, #127) by Katie Dowe EPUB & PDF

Landen (MEMBERS FROM MONEY SEASON 2, #127) by Katie Dowe EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Katie Dowe
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The beautiful spring day was lost on him. After the usual stiflingly
formal dinner at the mansion, with the incessantly stiff monologue by
his father, he had decided to take his horse out to clear his head.
The brisk wind rifling through the surrounding trees stirred his thick
dark hair and sent slight chills through the inadequate jacket he had
worn for supper.

But he had intended to escape and had not considered grabbing his
jacket. His horse, Diablo, was stabled in the large barn and curried
and fed for the requisite Sunday dinners when he came.
The conversation had been the same. He was thirty-two years old,
the heir to an immense fortune, and would have to take his rightful
place in the company and society. A suitable wife was picked out for
him. Sara Pendelton was of superb breeding and impeccable

Landen was restless and dissatisfied. The only good thing about all
this was that he returned to his flat, where he was left in peace. He
had also come to a decision that he knew would cause a bloody
furor when he announced it.

Reining in the magnificent creature that was always attuned to his
mood, he dismounted, looping the reins over a nearby sapling. The
land was green and lush.

The constant rain had washed away the last vestiges of snow,
leaving the place clean and fresh. Wildflowers were already
springing up everywhere, lending their inimitable scent to the air.
Shoving his hands into the pockets of his dark blue slacks, he
wandered over to the steady flow of water trickling over the smooth

A week ago, he realized that he had to get away. He decided to go to
America, where he would be free from the strangling hold of his
family name and the enormous responsibilities that come with that

His sister had meekly married a man chosen for her, and he could
see the unhappiness she was trying so desperately to hide.
“Why did you marry him?” Landen had demanded during one of their
conversations. “For Christ’s sake, Elizabeth, you do not love him.”
“I am not like you.” She responded in her calm, composed voice. “I
do not feel the need to turn everything into an argument. I want a
peaceful life, and Harry is not that bad.”

“He is a dreadful bore and a snob.”
“Then he is in good company.”

Hunkering down, he dipped his hand in the water and watched the
ripples his fingers created, a slight frown on his brow.
The argument had escalated when he was ordered to end the
‘sleazy’ affair he was having with the woman he had been seeing for
the past six months. He had been discreet – had to be. His parents
rigidly kept the family and reputation stellar and above reproach.

When he reminded them that Prince Harry’s reputation was far from
above reproach, they sent him a cold accusing look that spoke
volumes. They were distantly related to the crown; his parents took
that to mean that their private lives should remain behind closed

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