Lady Imposter by Larissa Lyons EPUB & PDF

Lady Imposter by Larissa Lyons EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Larissa Lyons
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Historical Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Mid Spring 1815
Esteemed solicitor Mr. Bamber Hastings might present himself as a
grumbler in public, but that was only because years of dealing with
officious prigs such as Horace Letheridge had crusted his exterior.
Inside, he was sweet as a sugared comfit, or so his dear Margaret
claimed as she rubbed the tension from his shoulders after he returned home
from hours at his office in Duffield, Derbyshire.

“Aye, Maggie Mae,” he told her, his voice rough with utter fatigue,
“right there, my love. That’s the spot.”
In truth, Bamber had thought to retire well over a year ago, to spend his
remaining mornings on this earth sleeping in, his remaining afternoons
taking his great-grandsons fishing, and his remaining evenings by the fire,
watching Margaret knit while they both took pleasure in the soothing,
relaxing conversations shared between two people with nothing more
pressing on their plates than being with each other.

But when the always dour and oft despicable Horace Letheridge up and
died, finally, leaving his sweetly innocent and young sixth wife a widow,
Bamber and Margaret had jointly agreed he would keep his shop doors open
a mite longer. Just a sufficient length to assist the new widow through her
grief (not that he expected her to have any, but one never knew).

Fact was, he’d hoped to see deserving Lady Juliet Letheridge quickly
settled in a better situation. Then Bamber would be free to blithely continue
on his way toward retirement. Instead, the intrepid widow was met with one
catastrophe, and one creditor, after another. Assailed by assorted disasters
plaguing the unentailed properties she remained in control of. And
Letheridge’s heir to everything else (the title, entailed properties and vast
coffers), a distant nephew with a home and life in Bath, refused to spare a
farthing to help her.

So when Lady Letheridge came to his office, accompanied by her
companion, spouting fantastical notions of advertising for a rich spouse,
instead of dissuading her as he would have anyone else, or if the fish—and
his great-grandchildren, of course—hadn’t been calling his name so loudly,
he considered the preposterous notion against his better judgment…
Contemplated the rotten-as-they-came man her father had forced her to

Cast about for a convincing reason why he should stomp out the notion

And couldn’t.
Couldn’t dampen the hope brimming in her eyes or destroy the heartfelt,
if nonsensical, notion of giving the young widow a chance to have a say in
her future. One she had not been granted, he gathered, in the choice of
Horace Letheridge, as a bridegroom some years prior.

If Lady Letheridge wanted to choose her husband this time, why, by
Zeus, Bamber resolved to do everything within his power to help. Trying
not to feel guilty about his other motivator, the ones with gills. For he truly
did desire to see the young lady safely and securely settled, for her own

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