Knot Giving Up by Thea Masen EPUB & PDF

Knot Giving Up (Pack Hart Olympic Omegaverse Duet Part 1) by Thea Masen EPUB & PDF

Knot Giving Up (Pack Hart Olympic Omegaverse Duet Part 1) by Thea Masen EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Thea Masen
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.1 MB
  • Price: Free

I appreciate my family’s encouragement, but it doesn’t stop the rolling in my
stomach. It just reminds how much is at stake. All of my dreams ride on
this one race. And even my family doesn’t know the rules I’m breaking to be

My hand shakes as I set my phone down on the bleachers next to my best
friend, Emily. Her short hair is still dripping wet from her high dive
competition earlier today, and she’s still beaming from making the cut for the

She gives me a tight hug. “You’ve got this, Meggie. You’re gonna do
I wish I was as certain as her. It’s not that I doubt my abilities. I’m a good
swimmer. But so is everyone else here.
The announcer calls the next race, and I adjust my swim cap, tucking up
the strands of hair that threaten to come loose, before stepping up to the edge
of the diving block.

This is it. The last race of the day. My last chance to shave seconds off
my time and prove myself worthy of the Olympic team.
“You know, if you don’t make the cut, I’ll still take you to Paris.” Daniel
Teague, my ex-boyfriend, and the last person I want to see right now,
stretches his arms up over his head from the lane right next to mine. “Give me
another shot. It’s not like you’re dating anyone else.”

It’s been over two years, but he still pesters me about getting back
together. It’s not that he really cares about me, or even misses me. I hurt his
ego. And as an alpha, that’s an insult he can’t tolerate. He just can’t believe
that anyone wouldn’t want to be with him.

I ignore him, focusing my attention on the other side of the pool. I can do
“Come on, don’t be like that,” he says. “We both know you’re not gonna
win. You’re a beta.”

I’m not. But he doesn’t know that. He can never know that.
I take deep breaths, tuning Daniel out, trying to still the shaking in my
Crouching into position, I stare down and ahead, through the still water
to the black line of my lane.

Thankfully, Daniel shuts up so that he can get himself in position, too.
The buzzer sounds. I dive.

The water is cool against my skin and flows over my curves as I propel
myself forward. Kick. Stroke. Kick. Stroke. Faster. Faster. The salty chlorine
on my lips tastes familiar, like home. It’s muscle memory at this point. My
body knows what to do and my mind pushes my muscles to dig deeper.

I reach the end of my lane, somersault in the water, and kick off the wall.
Racing toward the finish, back at the other end of the pool. Kick. Stroke.
Kick. Stroke. Faster. Faster. My thighs are burning and my shoulders are
screaming, but I won’t slow down. I can’t.

Pushing everything into my final stroke, I reach for the wall of the pool
and push my hand into the hard tile. I’m done.
Breaking through the surface of the water, I immediately snap my head to
the scoreboard.

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