Knight’s Treasure (ISLES/TEMPLARS #5) by Amanda Scott EPUB & PDF

Knight’s Treasure (ISLES/TEMPLARS #5) by Amanda Scott EPUB & PDF

Knight’s Treasure (ISLES/TEMPLARS #5) by Amanda Scott EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Amanda Scott
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Stirling Castle, April 1380
The Earl of Fife, hereditary governor of Stirling Castle and third son of
the King of Scots, sat behind the large desk in his audience chamber, sternly
regarding the well-dressed young man who stood before him. Fife was a
good judge of men, and this one seemed more confident in his presence
than most. Fife’s formidable personality and ever-increasing power
intimidated most men—with good reason.

“Who sent you here to me?”
“I came of my own accord, my lord,” his visitor said. “I own, though,
that I came to you because I think we can help each other. I am told that,
rightfully, you should be heir to the throne of Scotland but must bow to a
lesser man.”

“It is true that I am more capable than my brother Carrick will ever be
of ruling this country as it should be ruled,” Fife admitted. “However,
Robert the Bruce set the order of succession years ago and ordained that it
must go to the eldest son.”

“But the Scottish Parliament can alter that order, can it not?”
“Aye, if one could persuade them to do so.”
“I’m told also that you are a religious man, a follower of the Kirk of

“That is true enough,” Fife said.
“If the Pope were to support you instead of the Earl of Carrick as the
next King of Scots, would that not increase your chances of persuading the

“Aye, sure, but what would his holiness ask of me in return?”
“We seek information about the death of a cousin, the son of my late
father’s brother. He disappeared whilst trying to find and return an item of
some value to the Kirk of Rome. His own men believe he died at the hands
of certain Scottish nobles.”

“What is this cousin’s name?”
“Waldron of Edgelaw, my lord.”
Fife leaned forward. “And these Scottish nobles. Do you know their
“The Sinclairs, my lord, likewise cousins of Waldron on their mother’s

“I did hear rumors about his death,” Fife said, “but my sources told me
that from all they could learn, he died in a fair fight. Tell me more of this
item he sought and why you think the Sinclairs had aught to do with his

“First let me assure you that if you can aid me, his holiness will be
grateful. You may be sure of great financial reward as well as holy favor.”
“Then something of great value is involved,” Fife said. “What is it?”
His visitor nodded. “They told me you were astute, my lord. ’Tis true
that what Waldron sought was of enormous value, but it does belong to
Holy Kirk.”

“Aye, sure, and I’d faithfully see it returned,” Fife promised. “But what
is it?”

“Treasure, my lord, stolen from the Kirk nearly a century ago by the
Knights Templar. Those who sent me believe the Sinclairs guard it now.
Likewise, a woman now in their care but who is soon to marry and depart
for the Highlands spent a fortnight with my cousin right before his death.

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