Knight’s Bright Eyes by Ciara St James EPUB & PDF

Knight’s Bright Eyes by Ciara St James EPUB & PDF

Knight’s Bright Eyes by Ciara St James EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Ciara St James
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Action & Adventure Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free


The celebration was well underway. We were all amazed at the turn
out. We’d decided to promote Eliana’s new business, Pagan Promises. It
was a combination of many services that were provided to the community
of Cherokee and its nearby neighbors if they needed them.
When Agony met Eliana, she was a nurse practitioner, helping folks
with their various health issues using herbal remedies. She had studied them
and knew how to compound creams and elixirs. She believed in a holistic
approach to health was what she explained to us. All I knew was it worked.
All you had to do was look at Agony’s grandmother Tanamara, to believe it.
Her arthritis had been getting steadily worse until she started seeing Eliana.
Her days of being stooped over and moving slowly were a thing of the past.

It was Tanamara’s visits to Elaina that brought her to Agony’s
attention. At first, he’d thought she was a fake who was bilking old people
out of their money. He discovered how wrong he was. As his relationship
with Eliana grew, they met a couple of young men in need of changing their
worthless lives. They found a way to do it, although it took threats from us
to make them follow through. The idea for Pagan Promises was born out of

Not only did Promises provide Eliana’s holistic medical care but
also other things people needed, for example handyman services, lawn care,
caregiver, and so on. It was starting to take off, and the hope was this open
house we were holding at the compound would help it grow even more.
We knew some of the people were here just because they were
curious about us and our compound. Usually it was secured behind a fence
and gate. No one entered unless we gave approval. That was enough
mystery to bring out people today. In addition, there were those I
considered thrill seekers.

The thrill seekers thought it was dangerous to be associated with
bikers. They believed we were outlaws. They would go back home and tell
people how they had been with us. Among those were another type of
seekers. There were women here looking to have a good time and hook up
with a biker. It might be for the night or longer, as some of them hoped.
Now, we were all healthy men and single except for Agony and
Dare. We enjoyed sex, and it was always available, whether it was the
bunnies we had or other women, ones we called hang arounds. They came
from town and nearby on the weekends, mainly to party with us and fuck.

In the past, I’d availed myself of many of their offers. However, since Cara
came into my life, those had been few and far between. I didn’t like leaving
her with someone just so I could go fuck a woman. It felt wrong.
Although the way I was feeling lately, I knew it was time to find a
woman to blow off mutual steam with. There wasn’t a lack of candidates
wandering around here. I saw my brothers checking out the ladies. They
were thinking the same thing.

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