Kissing Kosher by Jean Meltzer EPUB & PDF

Kissing Kosher by Jean Meltzer EPUB & PDF

Kissing Kosher by Jean Meltzer EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Jean Meltzer
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Women’s Friendship Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size:  MB
  • Price: Free

Avital Cohen wasn’t wearing underwear.
Standing behind the front counter of Best Babka in Brooklyn, holding their
signature pink box in one hand and a pair of tongs in the other, she tried to
ignore the pain radiating through her lower abdomen. Despite the fact there
was a line spreading around the block, and Shabbat was less than four hours
away, the middle-aged woman with streaks of purple in her hair was taking
her sweet time.

“I’ve got three black-and-white biscotti,” Mrs. Purpleman said, speaking
into her cell phone. “Four confetti rugelach, one challah…I know, I know, but
Alyssa is on one of her health kicks, again.”
Her name wasn’t Mrs. Purpleman. It was just one of many nicknames that
Avital had created in order to remember customers. Mrs. Purpleman was, in
fact, Mrs. Perlman, and Avital had come up with the name because she wore
her hair styled into a bob and dyed a deep maroon. The effect of which
always managed to look purple.

Mrs. Purpleman had been a longtime customer of Best Babka in Brooklyn,
arriving like clockwork every Friday morning to stock up on Shabbat goodies
for her family.

“But if I buy two challahs,” Mrs. Purpleman sighed heavily into her cell,
“she’ll say I’m not validating her feelings…”
Avital glanced down the long line and wondered when Mrs. Purpleman—a
professional go-getter when it came to lengthy and irrational amounts of
indecision at the counter—would finally notice the eye rolls behind her and
make a choice.

“Well, how do you think she’ll feel about some apple cake macaroons?”
Mrs. Purpleman asked into her phone.
Avital interrupted. “Those are really good.”

She looked up. “Really?”
Avital began loading three cookies into the box. “They’re always a huge
seller on Fridays,” she said, putting a fourth into the box that was angling in
the direction of Mrs. Purpleman. “Can I help you with anything else today?”
“Oh.” Mrs. Purpleman placed one finger on her chin. “Well, I guess not…”
All at once, she felt bad for losing her patience.

Normally, Avital was good with the clientele. She could typically deal with
indecisive customers and long lines and the total lack of smiles or gratitude
that came with the Shabbat rush hour…but today, she was once again dealing
with a flare-up of her chronic-pain condition.
Since being diagnosed with interstitial cystitis two years ago at the age of
twenty-two, her life could be boiled down to one phrase. She came, she
saw…she realized she needed to pee and quickly stopped whatever she was
doing in order to find a bathroom.

“Tell you what,” Avital said, grabbing two pink boxes tied up in white
twine from a shelf behind her. “Why don’t I throw in two pumpkin-spiced
babkas for free?”
“For free?” Mrs. Purpleman asked, confused.
“I know I’m rushing you here,” Avital said, bouncing up and down in her
spot. “It’s just… It’s an emergency, Mrs. Perlman.”

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