Kiss and Shell by Annie Charme EPUB & PDF

Kiss and Shell by Annie Charme EPUB & PDF

Kiss and Shell by Annie Charme EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Annie Charme
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“Hey!” I shout as I dive for the volleyball to protect the turtle nest.
Warm sand scratches against my forearms. The green mesh falls
from my hand. “No ball games allowed.”

The volleyball rolls away from the nesting area. My gaze follows the
trail it leaves in the sand until it rests against tattooed shins. Rolling onto
my back and glancing upwards, I lift my hand to my forehead to block out
the sun, giving this man a golden halo. He could be the sun god himself, but
he shouldn’t be playing ball games around here.

“Need a hand there, lass?”
My ears prick up at the British accent. I haven’t seen him around here
before. The sheer ignorance of people on vacation astounds me. We’ve put
up signs all along this beach. It’s not that they can’t read, just complete

I blink at the dazzling sun. Slowly, his hand comes into view as he
reaches down, offering to help me up.
“I’m fine.” I bat his hand away and roll onto my side away from the
nest, then get on all fours to haul myself up. Being a bigger girl, it isn’t easy
getting off the sand, but I’m too mad to care how ungraceful I look.

With a smirk, he lifts the volleyball and tucks it under his arm while he
watches me right myself. His gaze gives me a once-over, and suddenly I’m
aware of my t-shirt tied into a knot, exposing my middle.
Normally, I couldn’t care less what I look like, but his eyes on my bare
skin make my palms clammy. I pull the knot out of my oversized t-shirt and
let it fall over my denim cut-offs.

“You’re saving the world, one turtle at a time?” He points to the slogan
on my turquoise t-shirt. “How’s that work?”

“It works by reading the signs.” My hand waves up and down the beach
at the posts near the nests. “And it works by protecting the nests. Which
means no playing with balls in this area.” I dig my fist into my hips.
“Unless you want me to kick you in yours.”

A cheeky grin lifts his sun-kissed cheeks. “That could be fun.”
“Finn, come on, what’s taking so long?” Chad Kilmore hollers, trudging
towards us.

If I wasn’t already rubbed the wrong way, I am now. My nails imprint
into my palms at the mere sight of the town bully.

Finn’s still grinning, which irks me even more than it should. His dark
hair falls in front of his blue eyes and he pulls it back, running a hand
through the damp strands.

I refuse to look down at his inked chest and give
him the satisfaction of thinking I’m remotely attracted to him. This guy
looks like he already has an ego the size of Magnolia Point. And judging by
the company he keeps, he probably has the wallet to match.
“You’re friends with Kilmore?” I hold up my hand and turn around to
walk in the opposite direction. “Say less.”

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