Kiss A Ginger Day by Elizabeth SaFleur EPUB & PDF

Kiss A Ginger Day by Elizabeth SaFleur EPUB & PDF

Kiss A Ginger Day by Elizabeth SaFleur EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Elizabeth SaFleur
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Alice blinked snowflakes off her lids and cursed. Her stupid high heels kept
sinking into the growing slush—and Theodore, a man she’d known for
exactly two hours, would not stop with the questions. The last thing anyone
wanted in a surprise Washington, DC winter storm was to play a get-toknow you game as a distraction.
She wanted the gloves and hat she’d left at the office.

She wanted an industrial-sized vat of coffee laced with amaretto.
But most of all, she wanted to find her damned car.
She glanced up and down the residential street. It looked familiar. Sort

“What did you say again?” She was only half listening to him spout off
his favorite everythings.
So far, they’d covered favorite months, foods, movies—his was an
action flick, of course—and which one of the seven dwarfs in Snow White.

Hers was Doc. His? Happy.
He helped steady her as she almost slipped again. “My favorite month is
January.” The man whose sanity she was seriously questioning lifted his
hand to catch some of the flakes that would not quit falling from the sky.

The fact that he introduced himself to Alice at the party as “Theodore
Gaston the Fourth, at your service” was a clue he might be a bit off.
But Theodore had a hypnotic British accent. It lured her into thinking he
was safe. Plus, her work colleagues laughed with him all night across the
bar. But within seconds of exiting the bar, he was peppering her with all
these odd questions. “A game,” he’d stated. “Something to make us forget
the cold.”

Instead, it made her question her choices—yet again. Why hadn’t she
paid closer attention to where she’d left her car? And why did she have to
have one that still used a key? She’d kill for one of those fob things that

She slipped her half-frozen arm free of his. “Tell me one good thing
about this month because we’re out of Christmas January and now into real

“That’s why. Holidays are over, pressure’s off. No one cares what
you’re doing. Plus …” He dramatically stopped and swept his hands over
his peacoat. “It has ‘Kiss a Ginger’ day.”
“You made that up.” Probably hoping she was into red-headed guys. He
had to be trying to pick her up. Men didn’t bolt from a party and offer to
help you find your lost parked car in twenty-something degree weather for

“Not making it up,” he said. “It’s tomorrow, January 12. January 18 is
Museum Selfie Day. January 23 is National Pie Day. There’s Chinese New
Year, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Oh, and damn, we missed National
Bobblehead Day.”

“It is. It was January 7.”
Oh, my God. What was she thinking, walking with a complete stranger
on a deserted—and very snow-wet and chilly—street?
Maybe because tonight sucked, and the last thing she needed was to die
of exposure and in some snow pile—alone. Blowing on her fingertips, she

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