Kingdoms of Tides and Twilight by Rachel Avery EPUB & PDF

Kingdoms of Tides and Twilight by Rachel Avery EPUB & PDF

Kingdoms of Tides and Twilight by Rachel Avery EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Rachel Avery
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Fantasy Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Grayden didn’t wait for the portal behind him to permanently close
before turning his back to it. He couldn’t shoulder the pain of seeing it
destroyed and evaporate into the cool, thin air. The portal was his only link
left to Renya. The finality of watching it disappear was unbearable. While
he understood it had to be done to protect Renya, it didn’t make it any
easier. He’d never be able to find her again or bring her back. Even if his
full powers were restored and he defeated Cressida, he wouldn’t know
where in time and space to retrieve her from.
Grayden knew Renya would come with him in a heartbeat if he
could reach her. Seeing her Aunt Agatha gave her the closure she needed to
stay in their world. But no. That evil witch of a queen had once again ruined
his life.

He hated her. Anger raged through him, quickly replacing the
unshed tears brimming his green eyes. Defeating Queen Cressida was
previously the means to an end for him, not something he was looking
forward to. He had to destroy her to save his world. But now…it was
personal. Grayden would be the one to end her. He imagined the
satisfaction he would feel, plunging his knife through her black heart. But
even as he visualized it in his mind, the horror on her pale white face as he
stopped her beating heart, there was no relief. Her death would never bring
Renya home, the one thing he desired most.
With one last fleeting glimpse at the shimmering portal, he directed
Lightning towards the lodge and took off, fighting the urge to look over his
shoulder as he rode.

Grayden should have spent the ride back to his home planning and
strategizing, trying to figure out how to keep his lands safe, but his mind
wouldn’t cooperate. Every time a solid idea came to him, it slithered away
before he could catch it, like a slippery eel avoiding the net. All he could do
was mourn the loss of Renya and the future he was foolish enough to
imagine for them. He envisioned them safely at the lodge, her preparing for
some gala ball. They used to hold balls all the time before his parents died.
Renya would be happy, conspiring with Selenia and reading by the fire in
the library. At night, his bed would be hers and they would fall asleep in
each other’s arms.

Grayden scolded himself. He needed to stop that line of thinking. It
would only lead to madness and irrefutable heartbreak.
He rode on, his eyes unseeing. However, as he approached a large
snow drift, something black caught his eye. He stopped Lightning and
dismounted, eyeing the strange parcel half-buried on the hill. Grayden sank
to his knees and brushed the snow off it. His nose picked up the faintest

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