King (A BAD BOY ANTHOLOGY STORY #7) by Sienna Grant EPUB & PDF

King (A BAD BOY ANTHOLOGY STORY #7) by Sienna Grant EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Sienna Grant
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.9 MB
  • Price: Free

Visions of Jacob cut up, beaten and bruised attacked my memory, and as
he lay there with his face bloody and his body black and blue from the
beating he’d taken, it was too much to see; it brought back too many
memories. I quickly looked away and gazed around me, wondering if I
could slip into a corridor or behind a curtain, but there was nowhere to hide.

I felt like a deer caught in headlights as I froze on the spot. All I could do
was stare when I saw Danny and Ethan. They were Jacob’s best friends;
they followed the gurney and headed my way with Jacob being pushed by a
porter, and a nurse carried his notes through. I stood tall and took a deep,
calming breath as I waited for them to reach me. I swallowed, hoping to
create some saliva in my dry mouth and licked my lips, a nervous habit I’d
developed over the years.

“Hey, Phoenix,” the nurse greeted, I managed to find a small smile for
her cheery disposition. She didn’t know about the connection I had with
Jacob King. She hadn’t noticed how anxious I was, and to her, he was just
another patient. “Not sure what’s happened, they’re not talking.” Her eyes
rolled to the side as her head tipped in their direction. She hadn’t worked
here long; she was still in training. It wouldn’t be long until the pressure
and strain of the NHS would be piling on her shoulders, begging to make a
difference. Just as I had dreamt that I could be the one to make a difference.
I was so wrong.

“I got it,” I knew my attempt at a smile was weak, but I couldn’t help it.
My emotions were getting the better of me. I bit my lip to stop it from
trembling and followed the gurney to the closest empty cubicle. Danny and
Ethan followed alongside, side-eyeing each other, but none of us had
spoken. Jacob and I hadn’t been together for three years now, so this was
going to be fun. Even though as the time went by, there hadn’t been a single
day he didn’t pop into my head.

This wasn’t the first time he had paid the hospital a visit, but I didn’t
remember him looking quite as bad as this. As much as I tried to get him to
quit fighting, he wouldn’t listen. I knew nothing according to these guys or

I grabbed some gloves from the box on the wall and pulled them on as I
entered the cubicle. The porter nodded, and I thanked him with a tight

“Will he be okay?” Danny’s voice stopped me, with his hand on my
arm. I turned to him and looked him in the eye. Professionally, I shouldn’t
be treating Jacob, but no one knew him, so I’d do what I needed to and get
him cleaned up before I’d hand over to someone else.

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