Keeper of Secrets by Denise Grover Swank EPUB & PDF

Keeper of Secrets by Denise Grover Swank EPUB & PDF

Keeper of Secrets by Denise Grover Swank EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  • Author: Denise Grover Swank
  • Language: English
  • Formats: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Series: None
  • Price: Free
  • File Size: 1 MB

I’m not runnin’, Marco,” Max yelled into my ear through my
cordless landline phone. Cell phones didn’t work out here in the
Appalachian Mountains.

“It’s not running, Max,” I insisted for what felt like the tenth time. I was
pacing in my bedroom, trying to convince my best friend to leave our
hometown of Drum, Tennessee with me and my girlfriend Carly. We needed
to find proof that Carly’s father had not only killed her mother but also
wanted Carly dead as well. We needed to neutralize him and the threat he

First, we were stopping at a jail in Arkansas, hoping to visit a prisoner
who’d supposedly worked with the asshole. I was sure it was a pipe dream.
For one thing, James “Skeeter” Malcolm had absolutely no reason to agree to
see us, and even if we got in, the chances of him telling us anything useful
were slim to none. Still, Carly’s friends in Arkansas knew Malcolm. We were
hoping they could convince him to see us.

Part of the reason I wanted Max to come with us was to keep him safe
from his brother Wyatt, whom we’d just discovered had been keeping notes
on just about everyone in town. We’d stolen those notes, and when he found
out, he was likely to go on a rampage. Considering he had shackles
embedded in his basement floor, I didn’t want anyone I loved to get caught in
the crossfire.

But Max wasn’t having it. After a lifetime of shying away from conflict
and acquiescing to his family, he was ready to stand up to them. While I was
proud of him, this wasn’t the way to do it. Not now. Not when his brother had
run off the rails and saw all of us as threats.
“It’s not running. It’s self-preservation,” I said, “and you know we could
use your help. Carly could use your help.”

“My family’s in chaos,” he said, sounding exhausted. “My father’s been
arrested. My mother’s likely fled the country, and my brother—”
“Your brother is dangerous, Max.”
“He won’t hurt me,” he ground out.

“Maybe not before,” I said, my anxiety building. “Before we discovered
his secrets.”
A loud thud sounded from the other side of my closed bedroom door, and
my heart lurched.

“Son-of-a-bitch!” Hank called out in panic. Frankly, I still struggled to
believe that Hank Chalmers, the former pot king of eastern Tennessee, was
not only in my house but here on friendly terms. I’d heard stories about him
growing up, and even more of them as a deputy sheriff, and it had never
ceased to amaze me that he’d never been put away for anything. But Carly
had befriended him within twenty-four hours of getting stuck in Drum eight
months ago, and now he was like a father to her. He was good to her, and that
superseded any natural acrimony there might be between cop and criminal.

My heart started racing. Hank was a stoic man who was as tough as shoe
leather. There was only one thing that would drive him to panic, and that was
if he was frightened for Carly.
“Max, I gotta go,” I said, rushing for the door. “Something’s happened to

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