Keeper Of A Panther (ASHEN TRIBE #4) by Jennifer Snyder EPUB & PDF

Keeper Of A Panther (ASHEN TRIBE #4) by Jennifer Snyder EPUB & PDF

Keeper Of A Panther (ASHEN TRIBE #4) by Jennifer Snyder EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Jennifer Snyder
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 6.4 MB
  • Price: Free

I pushed the mop across the faded linoleum floor, lost in thoughts about
bills and the bits of my life currently held together by sheer willpower
and freaking duct tape. It was another late night working at Mariam’s
Diner, but I didn’t mind. The diner had become my second home, or maybe
my first, considering the hours I’d been pulling lately to keep a roof over
my head at the Crescent Creek Inn. The inn was pricey, but it wasn’t as
though I had another option.=

I’d been evicted two weeks ago.
Even so, I refused to move back in with my parents. I wasn’t about to
move in with my brother, Ethan, and the love of his life, Miranda. Their
camper was too small.

So, Crescent Creek Inn was home—for now.
When I hung up my apron and clocked out, it was pitch black outside
and my feet were killing me. As I exited the diner, I paused to lock up,
praising myself for remembering. The first night I’d asked Miriam if I could
stay late and deep clean for some extra cash, I’d forgotten to lock up.
Thankfully, Miriam was kindhearted enough to not fire me and to give me a
second chance.

I was determined not to let her down this time.
As I made my way to my car parked beneath a flickering streetlamp, I
gripped my keys tight. My head was filled with thoughts of the comfy bed
waiting for me at the inn and the amazing bathtub I couldn’t wait to soak in.
My feet throbbed in sync with my heartbeat. I had to get these demon shoes

Why did they make non-slip shoes so dang uncomfortable?
Unlocking my car, I slid behind the wheel and stuck my key in the
ignition. When I attempted to crank it to life, nothing happened. The thing
refused to start.

“Not tonight,” I muttered, trying it again.
Still nothing.
“Crap.” I beat the palm of my hand against the steering wheel.
What the hell was I going to do now?

Main Street was dead. There wasn’t a single soul in sight. Mariam had
gone home for the night hours ago. I didn’t have the number for Tammy’s
Taxi service, even though my car had been straight up unreliable lately.

I leaned back against my seat and released a breath of frustration,
feeling the weight of my eyelids droop with exhaustion and the burning
sense of irritation sweep through me at my string of bad luck lately.
At this point, I needed someone to pray for me, bless me, sage me, or do
a combo of all three.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I cursed under my breath. When I opened them
again, my breath caught in my throat at what I saw.

A panther sprinted down the sidewalk.
I blinked, thinking I had to be hallucinating, but the panther didn’t
disappear. Instead, it came closer. Its sleek black fur shimmered under the
streetlamps as I stared.

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