Just Friends for Now by Lucy Keeling EPUB & PDF

Just Friends for Now by Lucy Keeling EPUB & PDF

Just Friends for Now by Lucy Keeling EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status Available for Download
  • Author: Lucy Keeling
  • Language: English
  • Genre:Contemporary Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Three months later
The name displayed on her phone finally disappeared and a notification of a
missed call flashed up in its place. Her phone immediately lit up again; this
time from a caller she actually did want to talk to. Simultaneously, her
phone pinged the reminder she was due at the Neighbourhood Business
Alliance meeting in fifteen minutes. With a quick glance around the bar she
noted everything seemed to be in order. And so, with a quick wave at her
bar staff, Paige answered the call as she strode out of Barbarella, phone to
her ear.

‘Book darling, how are you? Sorry if the line is terrible, we’re sailing,
you see. So, I’m going to be . . . and then we’ll . . .’
‘Hang on, where are you?’ Paige nearly tripped as she concentrated
more on what was being said than avoiding the puddles filling the pavement
in front of her.

‘I’m on the—Hang on.’ The voice on the end of the phone abruptly
stopped and Paige hated to admit that she had no idea what was going on.
Again. Still.

She moved further into the street until she was out of the way of the
other pedestrians frequenting the Northern Quarter with their hustling and
bustling. Paige pulled the phone away from her ear. She was still connected,
what was going on? The idea that ignorance is bliss was laughable, and
with every day that passed she lost a little more of the belief that this was a
temporary blip.

Paige pulled her phone back to her face. ‘Hello?’
There was a rustling sound, a muffled thank you and then . . . ‘Bloody
Hell, Kevin. What the hell do you call this? I asked for a Tom Collins. This
is all Tom and no Collins. Come on, Flower.’
‘Gran, you were saying . . .’ prompted Paige as her feet now began
punishing the pavement, all too aware of how Connie, her gran, preferred
her drinks.

‘Yes Book, I’m on my way to you. I should be disembarking and
dockside, what day is it now, Tuesday? Right, I should be on the dock
tomorrow. Then I’ve just got to make my way up there from Southampton,
so unless I find the man of my dreams between there and Manchester, I
should be with you in no time.’
Paige didn’t know what to process first. There was every chance her
gran would find the man of her dreams between wherever the hell she was
and Manchester. It had happened before. Her gran had been spending the
last five years getting over the end of marriage number five, her widowhood
taking her across the world. Several times over in fact. The rather
substantial inheritance had provided Connie with enough money to live the
rest of her life on a permanent cruise and, as much as Paige missed her
gran, she couldn’t complain too much as it had also given Paige the money
to set up her bar.

‘But hang on, where are you staying?’ Paige asked, worried about the
possible response.

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