Jacob by Lisa Marie Rice EPUB & PDF

Jacob by Lisa Marie Rice EPUB & PDF

Jacob by Lisa Marie Rice EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Lisa Marie Rice
  • Language: English
  • Genre:  Billionaires & Millionaires Romance eBooks
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The rain washed away the tears, but they kept coming. Alex Hethering
took a hand off the handlebars of her bike to keep swiping at her face as she
pedaled wildly toward the trailer park. She needed to see her best friend,
Jake Simpson. Needed to see him like she needed to breathe.

A car passed by her, the left front wheel slipping into a huge pothole
and showering her with mud and freezing water. Alex glanced sharply at the
driver, a woman. She had wide eyes and a hand clamped over her mouth.
Mo Harris, the librarian, who was horrified that she’d splashed water on
Alex, today of all days. Mo was slowing down. Probably wanting to pull
over, get out and apologize. Offer to drive her home.

No. Alex didn’t need apologies and the muddy freezing water didn’t
make her feel worse than she already did. Nothing could. She’d just buried
her parents. The freezing cold water was warm compared to how she felt

And home wasn’t home any more, anyway.
Mo had come to a full stop and Alex knew she couldn’t deal with Mo’s
apologies, with that soft look of pity. She’d had nothing but gentle pity,
warm hugs and low voices whispering condolences these past two days.
None of it helped and she didn’t want any more, so she put her head down,
long drenched strands of hair hanging in front of her face, and pedaled
harder, faster.

Maybe if she pedaled hard enough, she’d leave her sorrows behind.
No, she wouldn’t leave her sorrows behind, nothing could do that. But if
she pedaled harder, then she could get to Jake faster, so she didn’t let up.
The trailer park was five miles outside of town. She’d only driven by it in
her parents’ car, her father pressing on the accelerator a little as they drove
by. Everyone did. It had a horrible feel to it, like the air itself was infected.
Jake lived there with his father and no mother, and he’d never invited her to
his place.

Instead, he spent most afternoons at her house. Except it wasn’t going to
be her house for very much longer. The day after her parents died in the
crash, with the shades drawn and neighbors quietly coming and going,
depositing vast amounts of food on the kitchen counters that she could
never eat, not in a million years, Mr. McKenzie from the bank stopped by.
He’d been one of those vague adult figures that she’d seen around all her
life but had never given a moment’s thought to.

He sat her down with an open laptop, opened her parents’ current
account and started talking. She couldn’t understand a word he said.
Something about mortgages and foreclosures. She wasn’t too sure what a
foreclosure was. Her dad had once talked about it when talking about a
colleague and a shudder had gone through him. Alex got the feeling it was
something horrible but far off, something that could never affect them.

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