It Never Was by Ivy Darling EPUB & PDF

It Never Was by Ivy Darling EPUB & PDF

It Never Was by Ivy Darling EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Ivy Darling
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.3 MB
  • Price: Free

The growl lowers into a hiss as steam rises around my face, the smell of
oat milk invading my senses. Espresso shots drip to a stop beside me, the
flow of the morning rush starting to pick up in the coffee shop. The buzz of
customers is slowly rising. Conversations start to blend as they talk to their
friends about their day, some on phone calls talking business, and others are
tapping away on their keyboards from the seating area in the lobby, most of
them students taking advantage of the free Wi-Fi.

Where the hell is Willow?
I am more than burnt out for the day. When I arrived at work this
morning, I was the only one here. Marge, our pastry cook, did a no-call noshow, which meant I got the fun task of not only doing my opening tasks
but Marge’s as well. It was just me running around like a mad woman until
Chrissy, our cashier, got here for her shift.
God, Paul is lucky to have me. I am the only employee here that is cross
trained. I could do his job if I wanted to.
Hell, I did for a while.

“Carmen, dirty chai with oat milk!” I call out as I cap the top and slide it
across the counter. Chrissy is talking to the next customer as I look over my
next few cups in line by the espresso machine. She came in just as I was
opening the doors for the day, and I was grateful she was not late.
Unlike some…and by some, I mean Willow.

I notice out of the corner of my eye, the front door flying open. Someone
must be in a rush. I suspect it’s Willow arriving for her shift an hour late.
Don’t get me wrong, she is my best friend and basically family, but her time
management skills are nonexistent. I have covered her ass since I got her
hired here at Morning Cup. Which was not an easy task. I had to basically
beg on hands and knees to Paul, the owner. Eventually he agreed only
because I’m his best employee, and having Willow with me would make me
happy. Willow is making it hard to keep Paul convinced it was a good

I wonder what her excuse for her tardiness will be today.

My heart speeds up. That is not the voice I was expecting to hear. Turning
in the direction my name came from I am met with sandy blonde hair and
golden-speckled eyes. His smooth ivory skin is flawless, my eyes traveled
to his stern jaw and broad shoulders. Even in his Carhartt utility jacket, you
can see his built figure. My body takes over and I am captivated by a
familiar sense of need.
It’s Devon. Devon Pierce.

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