It Had to Be You by Beth Moran EPUB & PDF

It Had to Be You by Beth Moran EPUB & PDF

It Had to Be You by Beth Moran EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Beth Moran
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.4 MB
  • Price: Free

I was more used to sudden puddles appearing on my kitchen floor than
most. However, despite it being the third time it had happened this year, it
still gave me tingles.
‘Libby, I think I just wet myself.’ Daisy looked at me in horror. Despite
celebrating her eighteenth birthday a week ago, she still embraced teenage
theatrics. ‘Nobody look!’
The only other person in the room was Tari, her best friend, and she
didn’t seem to be able to stop looking. Her saucer eyes framed with electricblue lashes were transfixed on the trickle of liquid running down Daisy’s
bare leg.

‘This is a nightmare!’ Daisy wailed, pressing both hands over her face.
‘Why did nobody tell me about this until it was too late? If I ever see that
twazzock Raz again I’m going to kill him.’
As she continued lamenting about how her life had become a disaster, I
put down the tray of cakes I’d been preparing to take outside and gently
placed my hands on her shoulders until she opened her fingers wide enough
to peek at me through the gap.
‘Take a deep breath. It’s fine. That isn’t wee, it’s amniotic fluid.’
‘What? What the fudge is that?’
‘Your waters have broken. Remember, we talked about it a couple of
weeks ago?’

Daisy was thirty-seven weeks pregnant, just inside the timeframe for
full-term, so I wasn’t worried.
‘Tari, fetch a couple of towels from the cabin, please.’
Tari was still staring, her mouth hanging open in fascinated revulsion.
‘Tari!’ Daisy shouted. ‘Get me a fudgin’ towel!’
Having slightly misinterpreted a discussion that morning about how her
unborn baby could recognise her voice, Daisy had decided to cut out

‘Pee off! My boy ain’t going to have a foul mouth like mine,’ she’d
pronounced during our Preparation for Parenting session, in response to the
other expectant mums’ teasing. ‘One of the only things I remember my
mum saying to me was to shut the eff up. I’m not going to be like her.’
‘So, you’ll tell your baby to shut the fudge up instead?’ Kaylee, who
was pregnant with twins, asked.
‘No.’ Daisy patted her bump. ‘I’ll tell them to talk to Mummy about
whatever they fudging well like.’

At that, the group started laughing so hard I wouldn’t have been
surprised if it had contributed to the current puddle. But a few of the others
had decided to think more carefully about their choice of language as well,
and I didn’t hate that the chatter now buzzing around my garden was
slightly less blue, given that my own eight-year-old son had a habit of
repeating any expletives he overheard to his schoolteacher.

Tari jolted out of her trance and glanced quickly at me before scuttling
through the open patio doors and across the garden to the outbuilding where
I held antenatal and parenting classes for clients ranging from uber-rich
couples to today’s group of teenagers and their female birth partners.
‘I’m starting to think I should have listened to you, Libby, and asked
Lisa to be my new birth partner.’ Daisy groaned as she waddled towards the
table and leant on it with both hands.

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