Irreverent Devotion by Niccoyan Zheng EPUB & PDF

Irreverent Devotion (PREACHER’S KID) by Niccoyan Zheng EPUB & PDF

Irreverent Devotion (PREACHER’S KID) by Niccoyan Zheng EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Niccoyan Zheng
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“Pastor we feel that you can benefit from a leave of absence.” The head
of the church board, Brother Alvin White, advised.
“I assure you; I am ready, willing and able to perform my duties as the
pastor of this congregation.”

“Be that as it may, you have been through a lot. Very publicly. Might I
add.” Hannah wondered how this was in any way her fault. Did she ask her
husband to humiliate her in front of the entire church? “As such, the board
will have to insist you take a leave of absence until further notice.”
“But—” Hannah tried to interject. She didn’t want to be sitting home with
nothing but her thoughts keeping her busy. No, she wanted to do what she
did best and pour her heart and soul into the church.

“Pastor, it is our responsibility to do what is in the best interest of the
congregants.” Brother White interrupted.
“And you too, Pastor.” Her own godmother, Letta Long, added. Great she
was turning on her too. “Many of us have known you since you were born.
This isn’t a punishment. This is an opportunity to heal away from prying
eyes. We are looking out for you as well.”

That had been six months ago, and Hannah was still on her involuntary
‘leave of absence’. However, because her sister Lisabeth was married to a
member of the board, Nigel Laurence, she had the inside scoop. They were
finally ready to allow her to return.

Her sister and she arranged to meet up north at a café/spa for brunch.
Hannah arrived first. While she waited, she placed an order for a latte. This
had been the first time they had come to one of their favourite spots since
Jeremiah’s announcement. Her life had changed so much since then. She
was now officially a divorcee. The first one in her family. She tried not to
feel the shame of it. After all, it hadn’t been her idea. Not that she had done
anything to stop it. In fact, once she was served, she was ready for it all to
be over. “Can I borrow your pen, please?”

“Don’t you want to read it before you sign Anna?” Her sister took the
document from her hands. “Actually, I think you should have an attorney
look over it before you sign anything. After the stunt he pulled, I wouldn’t
put anything past him.”

Of course, Lisabeth had been correct, Jeremiah had slipped a clause into the
document, giving him the house. The house that she purchased with the
money her maternal grandparents had left for her. She didn’t want to live in
it. Not after his betrayal, but she would be damned if he and his pregnant
mistress lived happily ever after in the house she purchased.

Jeremiah didn’t want the divorce dragging out, so he had abandoned the
quest for the house once challenged. Hannah ended up having to give him a
lump sum in lieu of spousal support. She took it as penance.

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