Intoxicating by Onley James EPUB & PDF

Intoxicating by Onley James EPUB & PDF

Intoxicating by Onley James EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Onley James
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Military Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free


“The senator will see you now.”
Lincoln Hudson stood, fighting the urge to tug at the neck of his white
button-down shirt. He should have checked to see if his suit still fit before
he agreed to the hasty meeting, but it was too late now. He’d been in
fatigues so long the collared shirt was like a noose around his neck. Or
maybe it was the job itself causing the choking sensation. Linc couldn’t be

He followed the petite blonde woman down a stately hall lined with
ugly blue and gold carpet and painting after painting of stuffy old white
men. When they reached a set of double doors, she swung them open with a
flourish and gestured for him to enter before flashing him an unenthusiastic
smile and shuffling away. A man—presumably the senator—held up a
finger in a “one moment” gesture before swinging his chair away from Linc
as if that would somehow erect a cone of silence around his conversation.

Linc didn’t give a shit about the man’s phone call, so he prowled the
room instead. He counted no less than three dead animals adorning the
walls. Two from the endangered species list. Bookcases filled with leatherbound books took up the entire left wall.

Linc wandered closer, trying not to
roll his eyes when he noted almost every title involved the law, both secular
and biblical. This guy must be a laugh at parties. The furniture was all shiny
mahogany and the man’s decorator had encased anything not made of wood
in brown leather. The bar in the farthest corner of the room displayed an
array of crystal decanters filled with only dark liquors. Linc would bet the
man had Cuban cigars stashed somewhere in his enormous desk.
“That’s a beltway problem, Jerry. That’s not what I’m about.

Listen, I
gotta go. Yep. I have a meeting. You give Clare and the kids my love, and
we’ll talk about this more when we meet at the club on Saturday.” The man
paused. “No. Wyatt won’t be joining us. He’s meeting with some people
regarding a clerkship. Yes, we’re very proud. He’s a great kid. Alright.
We’ll talk soon.”

Linc returned his attention to the senator when it sounded as if he was
wrapping up his conversation. The man hung up the phone, turning to face
Linc, giving him his first real glimpse of his new client. He was broadshouldered with golden-blond hair going gray at the temples and combed

just so to hide his receding hairline. He’d lost his suit jacket and just wore a
pale blue button-down shirt and a navy-blue tie, loosened at the neck. When
he stood, Linc noted the man’s gut sagged over his belt despite the defined
muscles of his arms and chest.

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