Instinctual by Auryn Hadley EPUB & PDF

Instinctual by Auryn Hadley EPUB & PDF

Instinctual by Auryn Hadley EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Auryn Hadley
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Sword & Sorcery Fantasy
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Her knuckles rapped against the door. Nervously, Sal glanced at
the orders she held, reading them again. Rarely did anyone but
the top officers of the special operations units ever get to meet with General
Ran Sturmgren. She couldn’t think of a good reason for him to request her
presence, and quite a few bad ones sprang to mind. But at the sound of feet
crossing the room, Sal quickly flicked her ears forward and shifted to stand
at attention. The door opened.

“Corporal Salryc Luxx?” the aged man asked.
He looked down at her kindly. The top of her head didn’t even reach his
shoulder. Like most humans, his skin was dark. Unlike most, his hair was
grey. Compared to her snowy coloration, though, anything counted as
“dark,” including his salt and pepper hair.

Even though he was older, General Sturmgren was still a soldier, so fit,
and while his skin was a few shades lighter than Zep’s, she’d still call it
brown. The man looked intimidating and powerful, but his dark eyes were
devoid of the hatred she was used to. That made it hard to know what to
make of him, so she decided to take a wait-and-see approach.
“Yes, sir,” Sal said professionally.
“Please, come in.” He stepped back and gestured for her to make her
way inside.

A pair of simple chairs sat before a heavy wooden desk. Sal stood
behind them, holding her chin up and her ears still while the General made
his way to the padded chair on the other side. He gestured across the desk
as he sank slowly into it.
“Sit. Please.

She perched on the edge of the boring wood chair, her orders still in her
hand. Pushing her white braid over her shoulder, she waited, thankful he
couldn’t smell her emotions. Her future depended on his approval, whether
she liked it or not, and humans rarely approved of her kind.
“Relax, I don’t bite,” he joked, reaching for a pad of paper. His hand
paused, and he glanced back at her. “That was a bad joke. I hope it wasn’t

“Humans rarely bite, sir,” was all she said.
He sighed and nodded to himself. “You’re making fun of me, aren’t

“Just stating a fact, sir.”
He smiled at that. “Ok. Fair enough. Now, you’ve never been in my
office before, so let me explain the rules. I call you by your rank; we’re
talking officially. I use either your name or your call sign, and we’re off the
record. I offer you a drink, and it’s a social meeting. Understand, Corporal?”
“Yes, sir,” Sal replied.

“Good. Now, would you care for a drink, Sal? That is what the Black
Blades call you, right? Sal?”

She nodded and flicked an ear at him, inhaling his scent. He smelled
like nothing but human. There was no fear, no anger, and no concern
lingering on his skin. “Thank you. I would love one,” she told him

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