Indescribable Love by Samantha Chase EPUB & PDF

Indescribable Love (WYLDER LOVE #2) by Samantha Chase EPUB & PDF

Indescribable Love (WYLDER LOVE #2) by Samantha Chase EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Samantha Chase
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Some days it didn’t pay to get out of bed.
Or answer the phone.
Or talk to people.

This was definitely one of those days.
Juliette Bellucci stood stiffly and stared out at the New York City
skyline while she awaited her fate.
Okay, maybe that was a bit dramatic, but essentially, she was waiting to
find out if she still had a job.

The silence in the outer office was deafening, but she refused to sit or
get comfortable or even glance at her phone. Being wildly uncomfortable
seemed completely fitting right now. The sun was almost painfully bright,
reflecting off of the buildings, and the more she looked around at the
scenery, the more she wished she were anywhere but here.

“Jules? Vanessa will see you now.”
Glancing over her shoulder, she gave a tight smile. “Thanks, Amy.”
Tugging gently on her skirt, Juliette held her head high and made her way
into her boss’s office.

“Good luck,” Amy whispered before shutting the door behind her.
“Have a seat,” Vanessa said curtly, without looking up. It was a power
move. She was going to stay that way until Juliette was squirming in her
chair, ready to explode with anxiety.
So she sat and willed herself not to squirm.

Vanessa Jenkins looked up sooner than she expected, her expression
cool. “What am I going to do with you, Jules?” she asked, leaning back in
her seat. “I mean…what were you thinking? Do you have any idea the
number of people I’ve had to put on damage control because of this?”
“It wasn’t…”
“It was,” Vanessa firmly interrupted. “You are the publicist for a twotime Oscar-winning actress who is prone to posting inappropriate content
on social media! You know what she does when her movies tank or
someone breaks up with her!”

“Again, I didn’t…”
“It took you four hours before you got that crap pulled down! Four
hours where the entire world got a good view of your client in all her drunk
and naked glory! And the things she did with the Oscar were just vulgar!”
She shuddered dramatically. “The movie studio is furious, she’s been fired
from the movie she was going to start shooting next week, and we are the
laughingstock of the PR world! Where the hell were you? How could you
allow this to happen?”

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