Incognizant Desires by Aaliyah Rose EPUB & PDF

Incognizant Desires by Aaliyah Rose EPUB & PDF

Incognizant Desires by Aaliyah Rose EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Aaliyah Rose
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense Literary Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free


The coffin was expensive. A deep red hardwood, polished, buffed and
shined to perfection. So shiny, I could see myself reflected in the
earthen wood. Ironic how something so new and refined housed something
so dead, old, gone.
Today the coffin was closed, and for good reason. Apparently when they
found his body, it was beyond recognizable. My uncle Darius had to
identify him by his attire alone, and even then he didn’t want to believe it.
Fingerprinting later confirmed it was him, but even now I was still in
denial. It couldn’t be him…. My father.

I dabbed at my eyes, smirking at my so-called smudge proof mascara that
was covering my linen handkerchief, as tears flowed anew. I idly wondered
where on earth so many tears came from. Surely there would come a point
where they would just dry up. No more tears. No more heartache. No more
pain. Pain… I remembered when it all started.
It had been one of the sunniest, most beautifully radiant of days when I
had received the news. I had been savoring my newest wine blend as I
looked over the grapevines lining the hills before me. They looked fantastic,
and the new crop would surely bring the enhanced taste our wine was
looking for.

“Catalina Rivera-Flores, you’ve done it again! Perfecto!” I swirled the
wine in my glass taking a final sip of the liquid that would be the next highend wine, and admired the beautiful purple bottle I had designed. It would
do excellently, and I couldn’t wait to see what the public thought. Although
it was early, people were already starting to filter in, ready to partake in one
of our many wine tasting tours and to dine at our famous countryside
restaurant. It wouldn’t take long to find out the verdict.

My thoughts of an award-winning wine were interrupted when an
envelope was handed to me. Taking it absent mindedly, I thanked the
deliverer with a quick smile and tore open the envelope. It wasn’t until I felt
the smooth card and wax beneath my fingertips that I knew it was from my
father. His expensive taste in stationary and penchant for the old ways of
sealing his message with the family crest of a knight and shield, brought a
smile to my lips. It was something we had done since my childhood, and I
indulged his messages with sending wax-sealed ones of my own.

I placed my wine down on the banister and gently broke the wax seal,
unfolding the letter. At first glance it was way longer than his usual quick
snippets of what he was doing or asking what I was up to, but I giggled at
his opening endearment of mi changuito, or my little monkey, a nickname
he’d called me since I was a child. A deserved nickname, as I was always
hanging onto him, especially after my mother’s death.

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