In My Dreams I Hold a Knife by Ashley Winstead EPUB & PDF

In My Dreams I Hold a Knife by Ashley Winstead EPUB & PDF

In My Dreams I Hold a Knife by Ashley Winstead EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Ashley Winstead
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Psychological Literary Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Your body has a knowing. Like an antenna, attuned to tremors
in the air, or a dowsing rod, tracing things so deeply buried
you have no language for them yet. The Saturday it arrived, I
woke taut as a guitar string. All day I felt a hum of something
straightening my spine, something I didn’t recognize as
anticipation until the moment my key slid into the mailbox,
turned the lock, and there it was. With all the pomp and
circumstance you could count on Duquette University to
deliver: a thick, creamy envelope, stamped with the blood-red
emblem of Blackwell Tower in wax along the seam. The
moment I pulled it out, my hands began to tremble. I’d waited
a long time, and it was finally here.

As if in a dream, I crossed the marble floor of my building
and entered the elevator, faintly aware of other people, stops
on other floors, until finally we reached eighteen. Inside my
apartment, I locked the door, kicked my shoes to the corner,
and tossed my keys on the counter. Against my rules, I
dropped onto my ivory couch in workout clothes, my spandex
tights still damp with sweat.

I slid my finger under the flap and tugged, slitting the
envelope, ignoring the small bite of the paper against my skin.
The heavy invitation sprang out, the words bold and raised.
You are formally invited to Duquette University Homecoming,
October 5–7. A sketch of Blackwell Tower in red ink, so tall
the top of the spire nearly broke into the words. We look
forward to welcoming you back for reunion weekend, a
beloved Duquette tradition. Enclosed please find your
invitation to the Class of 2009 ten-year reunion party. Come
relive your Duquette days and celebrate your many successes
—and those of your classmates—since leaving Crimson

A small red invitation slid out of the envelope when I shook
it. I laid it next to the larger one in a line on the coffee table,
smoothing my fingers over the embossed letters, tapping the
sharp right angles of each corner. My breath hitched, lungs
working like I was back on the stationary bike. Duquette
Homecoming. I couldn’t pinpoint when it had become an
obsession—gradually, perhaps, as my plan grew, solidified
into a richly detailed vision.

I looked at the banner hanging over my dining table, spelling
out C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S-! I’d left it there since
my party two weeks ago, celebrating my promotion—the
youngest woman ever named partner at consulting giant
Coldwell & Company New York.

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