In My Closet by Rose Chase EPUB & PDF

In My Closet (UMBRA DEMONS #2) by Rose Chase EPUB & PDF

In My Closet (UMBRA DEMONS #2) by Rose Chase EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Rose Chase
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.4 MB
  • Price: Free

I couldn’t tell if the rattling sound was my bones shaking from
excitement or the piece of paper in my trembling hands.
“Shit can’t be holy,” my friend Stella chuckled, mocking her demon

That was still so weird to say and think about: a demon boyfriend.
Lover? Partner? Actually, anything with the word demon in front of it
should not be normal by any means. What made it all the weirder was the
fact it would eventually become the norm between my friend and me
because her demonic lover wasn’t going anywhere.

The fact that my friend was a demon’s soulmate was bizarre to me. Out
of all the creatures that were intensely loyal and loving, a demon was the
last thing to come to my mind, but hey, what did I know? I was just another
“annoying and brainless human,” to quote Kastoron, Stella’s demon

“Your parents are going to have an aneurysm when they find out their
precious daughter will be moving out,” Stella commented with a dry
chuckle. But it’s about time you get away from them. Seriously, I don’t
know how you’ve put up with them for the past year.”

“Girl, you and me both. I’m surprised I’m not bald from pulling at my
hair so much.” It was definitely thinner with way too many split ends after
the year, though.

A heavy exhale deflated from my chest as I bundled my long baby pink
hair up and brought it in front of my face, frowning at the sad sight of my
lifeless strands.

“I’m Surprised they didn’t dye your hair back to your natural color or
shave you while you were asleep,” Stella remarked with a surprised but
satisfied smile and nod.

“Only because I was smart enough to put a surface bolt on the door
when I had to move my ass back to their place.” It probably helped that I
lived in their shed, too, because that meant I wasn’t physically connected to
their house, thus limiting their access to me.

My parents were real pieces of work; that was a given. If I had any
other option at the time, I wouldn’t have moved back to my parent’s place
after the whole apartment complex I resided in was burned down by some
stupid arson attack. If Stella had her a place back then, I would have moved
in with her, but she still lived in a tiny studio apartment.

No matter. I didn’t care about any of that anymore. The past is the past,
and nothing can be done about it now. I couldn’t care less about my parents,
either, after my cousin gave me my inheritance letter from my grandma,
who had been dead for five years.

I was low-key pissed at the fact I could have had my place five years
ago. There weren’t any stipulations to my inheritance from what my cousin
told me and what I confirmed in Grandma’s will and inheritance letter. It
just literally never made it into my hands. I was twenty-two years old five

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