Immortal Revealed by Magen McMinimy EPUB & PDF

Immortal Revealed by Magen McMinimy EPUB & PDF

Immortal Revealed by Magen McMinimy EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Magen McMinimy
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Psychic Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Holly stalked the halls of Evan’s compound. There were days she
missed the cool comfort of the Vegas oasis the coven had created, but as
much as they had become family to her, nothing compared to waking each
morning to Lothar at her side. Her handsome warrior with those steely gray
eyes—that knew her so well—his slightly shaggy mahogany locks, and the
compassion that bled from his very essence was worth living in the chaos of
the Light Fae castle, worth every minute… oh, who was she kidding? She
loved the chaos.

Her knuckles rapped against the thick wood of Sergio’s door. “Open
up, you Latino manwhore.”
A chuckle sounded from the other side as the door swung open and
dark eyes sparkled at her. “That is no way to start a conversation. What’s
up, little vamp?”
Holly pushed past him to flop on the leather couch in the corner of his
massive room. “Just checking in. Thanks to Josiah, it’s safe for me to visit
my vamps again. I hear you’ve been busy.”

Sergio shook his head as he gracefully settled on the couch beside her.
“Who knew the Immortal Ruler would be a good addition to the Light Fae
Holly scoffed. “Who didn’t? He and Makyle may be arrogant, stubborn
and, well, scary as fuck, but they make us nearly unstoppable. And while
Zander may be… oh, what’s the word, not as evil as Darion or even my
mother when they were ruling the Dark Fae, but he’s sneaky and there is no
trusting that damn luck eater.”

Sergio nodded. “Part of your issue with the damn luck eater, couldn’t
have something to do with your brother? Could it?”
Holly shot him a sarcastic look. “Of course it does. He tried to kill Izzy
and he goes out of his way to push the beast.”

“The beast being your brother, who tried to kill Evan for helping you.”
Holly groaned. When did Serge become the voice of reason? Was it
true that Bain tried to kill Evan? Yes, her big brother lost his shit when she
disappeared, and Evan helped her fake her death. Little did any of the Fae
know, she hadn’t died, but been turned, a choice that turned her into a very
unique kind of Fae. “Would it be cliché if I said that was different?”
“A bit, but I get it. Zander has to be watched.”
Holly nodded as she pushed off the couch and headed toward the door.
“We are watching him, but right now I am more curious about what Astraea
and Josiah are up to… they’ve been spending a lot of time at the academy.
Makes a girl wonder.”

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