Ignorant Bliss by Shana Kyle EPUB & PDF

Ignorant Bliss by Shana Kyle EPUB & PDF

Ignorant Bliss by Shana Kyle EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Shana Kyle
  • Language: English
  • Genre:  Contemporary Fantasy Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.6 MB
  • Price: Free

Hanging on one of the walls in our brand-new dressing room-slashlounge was a clock replica of a 1958 gold-top Gibson Les Paul guitar.
I had thought it kept perfect time, yet the person sitting in a chair
with an unobstructed view of the clock was either unable to tell time—
which I knew to be unlikely—or the clock was stuck. I turned to look at it,
noting the second hand ticking in perfect rhythm around the clock face, then
I turned back to the occupant of the leather club chair. He quirked an
eyebrow at me that seemed to ask “What?” It was a rather snarky eyebrow.

“Twenty minutes, Justin.” I tried for patience. I failed. “We only have
twenty more minutes. And that’s three minutes less than the last time you
Justin, the keyboardist for the band, blew out an impatient breath as he
tap-tap-tapped a lime-green Converse All-Star-clad foot on the floor. I
rolled my eyes. We’d arrived at the club thirty minutes ago, at which point
he planted himself in the chair and started asking how much more time we
had before the show began.

It was like being on a car trip with a four-year-old asking, “Are we there
yet?” Okay, truth be told, I had only been on one car trip with a four-yearold. It was with my friend Sandra and her son. We had merely gone from
her house to the grocery store. The “car trip” took about twenty minutes.
Little Andy had asked us every three minutes how much longer it was going
to be. Sandra had blithely ignored him. I wanted to pull my hair out by the
time we’d reached our destination. In fact, I almost called an Uber for the
return trip to Sandra’s house. Not for me, but for the kid. For the sake of my
friendship, I stuck it out. Andy had the nerve to crash about two minutes
before we got home. I guess asking the same question over and over and
over can be exhausting.

But I digress. You know, it wasn’t as if I didn’t understand Justin’s
excitement. We were all excited, and anxious, and maybe just a little bit
nervous. Not that any of us would admit to that emotion. It’s just that our
band, Dead Ringer, had not played anywhere in over a year; it was opening
night and the club we were playing was brand-new. We were the first band
to play it. We also happened to own it. Talk about pressure.

We’d named the place The Belfry. On the outside it looked a little like a
Gothic cathedral complete with a fake belfry. On the inside it was plush and
modern with a slightly Gothic twist. There was an antechamber with lots of
comfy sofas and tables arranged in cozy vignettes. In the club proper, long
bars lined the two side walls, and a smaller one was located in the front as

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