Ignited Heat by Fiona Clarke EPUB & PDF

Ignited Heat (HEAT BETWEEN THE SHEETS #2) by Fiona Clarke EPUB & PDF

Ignited Heat (HEAT BETWEEN THE SHEETS #2) by Fiona Clarke EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Fiona Clarke
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Tuck is late, as usual. He’s my assigned bodyguard, but he still has
duties at Midnight Heat. Because of my run-ins with Marcos, Jason
wanted me to have a bodyguard when I walked back and forth between our
restaurant and the club.
Jason found me last night, took me back to Midnight Heat, and cleaned
and bandaged my burn. I refused to go to the hospital for such a small thing,
but it was a bad burn.

I have several packages of food to be delivered for different employees at
the nightclub, but I make Jason’s plate myself. You see, I have a big-time
crush on Jason Harris. He’s my wannabe boo, my wet dreams at night, and,
yeah, my hero. I don’t think I’m those things to him, but a girl can hope.

Anyway, Jason started working security for the nightclub about five years
ago. A couple of my brothers are ex-military and they sort of understood he
was one of their own. Carlos, who hates everyone, had an immediate
rapport with Jason, and they became best friends. Or at least as much of a
friend as you can be to a man who says very little but sees everything.
“Don’t you have a delivery, Xiǎo gōng zhǔ?” My mother calls me Little
Princess. It always makes me feel special.

“I do, Mama, but Tuck is late.”
“We need to talk to your brothers about that attack.”
“It wasn’t an attack.”
“It was, and Jason shouldn’t be the one providing protection for you.

That’s what your seven brothers are for.”
“Brandon won’t be happy. Marcos is one of his best customers. He plays a
lot, loses a lot, and drinks a lot.”

“Then maybe your papa should have a word with Brandon as well.”
That’s the last thing I wanted to happen. Chen Lee is a strict man, but he
loves his children fiercely. Mama and Papa couldn’t have any children of
their own, so they fostered many children and then adopted eight of them. I
was the only girl, which sometimes felt like my own little hell on earth,
especially growing up. But foster care was worse, so I put up with my dear
bullies—brothers, I mean.

“No, please. Papa’s been looking for reasons to close the card games for
the longest time. He’ll get into it with Brandon and start pushing again. I
don’t want to cause a battle between family members.”

My mother looks at me and purses her lips. She doesn’t like it, but she’ll
go with it. She knows what a blessing it is to have a fight-free zone in her

“Oh look, there’s your security detail now,” she says with a smirk.

“Just remember, your father is an intelligent man. Soon, he’ll start asking
questions. You’ll have to tell him the truth.”
The truth is that I made a huge mistake letting this man I thought was
charming and attentive into my life, only to discover he’s a monster.

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