Ignited by Ian O. Lewis EPUB & PDF

Ignited (BURNING HEARTS #1) by Ian O. Lewis EPUB & PDF

Ignited (BURNING HEARTS #1) by Ian O. Lewis EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Ian O. Lewis
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“Are we two lone otters swimming in a sea of bears? Because I’m
feeling a little out of place.” I glanced over at Daniel, who was
practically drooling over the sea of bearded men boarding the cruise ship.
“But I guess it doesn’t matter. After all, in the wild world of love,
sometimes you have to dive into the deep end to find the perfect match.”
Daniel lifted a brow and shook his head. “You stayed up watching Sex
And The City reruns last night in the hotel, right?”

“Yeah, why?”
“Because you sound exactly like Carrie right now, except she does it
better.” Daniel laughed. A man with a face full of freckles and fiery red hair
strolled up, sporting a green t-shirt adorned with a black paw print.
“Hi, my name is Mickey, and I’m your cabin steward. Welcome aboard
the ‘Bearacruz’! If I could just see your paperwork, I’ll be happy to show
you to your cabin and make sure you’re comfortably settled in.”
“I’ve got our tickets,” Daniel handed them to Mickey. “We’re sharing a

Three months ago, I’d purchased both of our tickets. Daniel was a cook
at Fireside Forge Brewery, and I’d given him the cruise as a thank you gift
for running an exceptional kitchen. Plus, it was his birthday, and since both
of us had a thing for bears, I wanted my best friend to enjoy the experience,

As we followed Mickey through the narrow hallways of the cruise ship,
I couldn’t help but sneak glances at the bearish men surrounding us. Each
one seemed bigger and hairier than the last.
“You simply must go to the Stanley Steamer if you ever get lonely,”
Mickey winked at me as we got into an elevator. “I go there whenever I get
the chance.”

“The Stanley Steamer?” Daniel lifted a brow.
“The sauna, where anything goes, as long as security isn’t around.”
Mickey winked at me again, and I glanced over to Daniel to keep from
laughing aloud.

Mickey kept chattering on about various activities and events happening
on board, but I was only half listening. My mind was too preoccupied with
finding a little love on the high seas. In Richmond, I felt like I knew
everybody, so this cruise was the perfect way to have a simple, no-strings
attached fling, or three.

Finally, we reached our cabin. Mickey unlocked it and opened the door,
revealing a cozy space with two twin beds, a small bathroom, and a large
porthole window overlooking the dock.

“Here you go, gentlemen,” Mickey said with a smile. “I’ve already
taken the liberty of unpacking your suitcases and hanging up your clothes.
Is there anything else I can do for you?”
Daniel shook his head with a grin. “No thanks, Mickey. We’ll take it
from here.”

As soon as he left, Daniel flopped onto one of the beds and let out a
contented sigh.
“I could get used to this,” he said dreamily. “Hunky guys, hopefully
some excellent food, and I get to see my folks when we reach Veracruz.”

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