Hunting the Gunslinger by Cecily Quinn EPUB & PDF

Hunting the Gunslinger by Cecily Quinn EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Cecily Quinn
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Historical Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Jessie eyed the man at her feet and rubbed her brow, trying to alleviate
the sudden headache that had just formed. The heat from the blazing
afternoon sun warmed her skin, and sweat beaded down her face,
leaving a trail of dirt. She had been on the hunt for him for weeks when
she’d finally caught up with him just outside of Bozeman, Montana. She’d
snuck up on him while he was about to wake up and leave his camp for the

Billy Sawyer. Wanted for stealing cattle and for being a general pain in
the ass. She’d accepted the bounty on him because she had been under the
mistaken impression he wouldn’t be difficult to capture. And although he’d
been easy to catch, he was proving to be difficult in other ways.
Criminals were never too difficult for her to bring in. She grew up on a
ranch herself, so she had a particular disdain for those who thought they
could steal cattle and sell them for profit without doing any of the hard
work themselves. Many years had passed since she’d left the ranch, but
some beliefs never left her.

“Let me go, you damn kid!”
Billy thrashed at her feet, trying to get out of the ties that bound his legs
and hands. He bared his teeth, and his nostrils flared as he gritted the words
out, spittle flying from his mouth in the process. His greasy, black hair
pooled around his face, since his cowboy hat had fallen off in the scuffle
and lay nearby.

Jessie covered her smile with her hand before Billy could see it. Billy
appeared to be embarrassed to have been caught by a ‘kid,’ as he said. That
was one downside to being a woman pretending to be a man. Everyone
thought she was a young boy, probably about fourteen years of age. It did
have its perks though, one of them being that most criminals didn’t think
twice about her, or believe she would actually be able to bring them in.

She went by the name Kid Aaron, ever since she had to take on a new
identity when she ran away from home years ago. Men were less likely to
cause trouble with a boy than a woman who was on her own.
Recently, rumors had spread that Kid Aaron was the best bounty hunter
around, able to bring in most anybody he set his eyes on.
It had made her job more difficult.

“You got two choices.” She kept her voice flat and emotionless. She’d
found it made her work easier, and men listened to her if she kept emotions
out of her voice. “You can agree to get on the horse and not run away, or I’ll
shoot you in the leg and drag you behind my horse until we get into town.
The wanted poster said alive or dead, so I don’t need you in one piece. The
choice is yours.”

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