Hunted By the Cartel (NIGHTSHADE WOLVES #2) by Michael Levi EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Michael Levi
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 6.4 MB
- Price: Free
The sweet scent of success filled my office as I leaned back in my
chair, a satisfied smile spreading across my face. I was used to this. Every
time I looked back at what happened, I knew it wasn’t because of luck that I
was in this favorable position. It was because of my sacrifices. I would do it
all over again.
I had just sealed a lucrative deal with a group of investors who were
eager to get their hands on a piece of my thriving tech startup. To top it off,
I was only twenty-two years old. My success was immeasurable.
My dead-beat father could never have imagined that I was going to do
so much with my life in such a short amount of time. Thankfully, he wasn’t
with us anymore.
The investors had no idea that just a few years ago, I was neck-deep in
debt, borrowing money from the shadiest loan shark in the city to get my
company off the ground.
It was better they didn’t know. I didn’t want anything from my past
tarnishing my reputation, much less that. It had been a dark moment in my
life. I didn’t even like to remember it.
“Mr. Whisperwind, we are thrilled to be partnering with you,” Mr.
Carter, the lead investor, said, his eyes gleaming with excitement. He was
so excited to work with me. “Your innovation in the tech industry is truly
remarkable, and we believe this partnership will be mutually beneficial.
That’s why I’m doing this.”
“Indeed, it will, Mr. Carter,” I replied, extending my hand to shake his.
His hand was big and assertive. Contrasting with me, he was massive. He
was a bear shifter, after all. “I appreciate your faith in my company, and I
assure you that your investment will yield tremendous returns. I wouldn’t be
putting my neck on the line otherwise.”
The investors stood, shaking my hand one by one, their faces beaming
with anticipation. I was so thrilled. I couldn’t wait until we were putting our
plans into action and making more money than we could count.
My mother would be proud of me. She wasn’t with us anymore.
Wherever she was, I hoped she was okay.
As the last investor shook my hand, my assistant, Lila, entered the
room, her face pale and eyes wide. My heart skipped a beat. Whatever she
was going to say to me, it couldn’t be anything good. I didn’t want any bad
news tarnishing my moment, but it felt like it was always hunting me.
She approached me and whispered in my ear, her breath warm against
my skin. “You have an urgent letter, Mr. Whisperwind. It looks… disturbing.
I really don’t like it.” She took a deep breath in. “I would rather not be doing
this, but I know you want to know.”
My smile faltered as a chill ran down my spine. Thank goodness that
my business partners weren’t around anymore. The business deal was one of
the most important things to me.
“What is it, Lila?” I asked, concern showing in my voice. She rarely
interrupted my meetings, and the urgency in her eyes sent a wave of unease
through me.
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