How to Seduce a Bad Boy by Traci Douglass EPUB & PDF

How to Seduce a Bad Boy (POINT BEACON #1) by Traci Douglass EPUB & PDF

How to Seduce a Bad Boy (POINT BEACON #1) by Traci Douglass EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Traci Douglass
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.2 MB
  • Price: Free

“Thanks for—” Nothing.
Melody Bryant barely had time to avoid getting her toes run over
as her latest first date pulled away from the curb in a flurry of
exhaust and squealing tires.

With a sigh, she trudged up the walkway to her quaint little bungalow
on a quiet side street in Point Beacon, Indiana. She’d really thought this
evening had been going well, too. Her date du jour had been Michael
Bennett, owner of their tiny town’s only buy-here, pay-here used car
emporium and last year’s winner of the Chamber of Commerce’s top
entrepreneur award. And yes, maybe he had been a bit…smarmy—in that
aggressive salesman sort of way—with no regard for personal space or
breath mints, but still.

Shoulders slumped, Mel unlocked her front door and pushed inside, her
fluffy Birman cat darting over to twine around her ankles. She tossed her
stuff on the side table in the foyer, then bent to scratch the purring feline
behind the ears. “Another one bites the dust, eh, Waldo?”
Waldo meowed, as if in sympathy.

After toeing off her cute red-and-white Mary Jane pumps, she grabbed
her cell phone from her purse, then padded down the short hall to the
kitchen to grab the canister of M&M’s she kept on her counter at all times.
Mel balanced the large glass container on one hip as she proceeded into
her open-style living room and plopped into the corner of the overstuffed
beige sofa. She pried open the lid of the canister with one hand while hitting
speed dial for her best friend with the other, then began sorting the candy
into the colors she liked—blue, red, and, most especially, green.

Lilly Martin answered on the second ring. “How’d it go?”
“Not good.” Between popping candies into her mouth, Mel explained
the events of her newest dating fail. “I mean, it started out fine. Dinner at
Stubby’s Steakhouse, talking about our jobs, our goals, our dreams for the
future. Then, of course, he went into all his hot librarian fantasies.”
“Ewww,” Lilly said, her shudder evident through the phone line. “That’s

“Hey, it’s not like I haven’t heard it before.” She devoured another
handful of M&M’s, then parroted Mike’s worst come-on. “You must have
overdue books, honey, because you’ve got fine written all over you.”
Lilly snorted. “Nice. How about, ‘It’s not the size of the collection, it’s
how you use it.’”

Mel giggled. “No, no. My all-time favorite was, ‘Good thing I’ve got
my library card, ’cause I’m totally checking you out.’”
They laughed so hard and long, Mel’s stomach hurt by the time she

In the silence that followed, however, harsh reality returned. Given
her lack of boyfriend and no prospects on the horizon at the ripe old age of
twenty-four, she felt terminally boring and doomed to be stuck in the
“friend zone” for eternity. “Seriously, though, what the heck am I missing

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