How to Get Revenge on a Cheating Ex by Maggie Dallen EPUB & PDF

How to Get Revenge on a Cheating Ex by Maggie Dallen EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Maggie Dallen
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I’VE KNOWN Zack Myers my entire life, but I’ve never noticed the gold
flecks in his dark brown eyes until right this second.
Then again, I’ve never stood this close to him before. Not like this—
face to face, with mere inches between us.
We’re caught in some weird staring contest that’s about to end.
Any second now…

My belly does a backflip as adrenaline spikes through my veins. It’s too
quiet. The amusement park where we both work is normally a cacophony of
sounds. Voices and rides and game vendors shouting out to frazzled parents
trying to wrangle shrieking children.
But the amusement park is closed to the public at the moment, and all I
can hear is the sound of my own heart clattering against my ribcage.
Zack’s gaze darkens, disarmingly serious as he leans in even closer.
Yup. It’s official. Zack Myers has pretty eyes.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise. It’s widely understood that Zack is the
hottest guy in our class. Unfortunately for me and the rest of humanity,
Zack is well aware of this fact.
“Are you ready for this?” His voice is a low murmur. So low it’s almost
lost in the breeze that whips around us and makes me shiver.
Am I ready to kiss the boy next door? The childhood friend who’s been
the bane of my existence since middle school?

I definitely don’t know the answer to that.
But really, the only question worth considering is this—am I ready to
kiss my boyfriend’s best friend? Because that’s what Zack is, first and
Once upon a time we might’ve been friends, but the only reason we’ve
voluntarily spent any time together this past decade is because he’s best
friends with Grayson.

My boyfriend.
My insides twist into tight knots and my hands start to shake. “Ready as
I’ll ever be.”
And by that I mean no. I’m not at all ready for this. I’ve only ever
kissed one guy in my entire life—Grayson.
The guy I’m about to cheat on.

My heart gives a sharp kick of panic. This close, I wouldn’t be surprised
if Zack can feel it pounding.
His brows come down. “It’s not too late to turn back, Bailey.”
If Zack had been taunting me, I would’ve run. If he’d been his usual
irritating, smug, condescending self, I would have taken that as a sign that
I’d lost my mind when I’d made a deal with the devil, and I would have

And let’s face it, I had made a deal with the devil.
But for once, Zack’s being nice, and that’s more unnerving than
anything I’m about to do. He’s giving me an out, and his serious, goldflecked gaze is telling me he’d understand if I wuss out.

He won’t judge, even though we’d agreed we were in this together.
Me and Zack.
What did that make us? Definitely not friends, but maybe…allies?
Teammates? Partners in crime?
Good grief, what has my life come to? I’ve clearly lost my ever-loving

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